For all rotating equipment (boiler fans, auxiliaries pumps, gearbox, etc.), the
vibration level, measured on the non-rotating parts, shall not exceed the upper limit
of the zone "A" as defined in ISO 10816 (part 1 for general guidelines, part 2 for
large land-based turbo-generators sets in excess of 50 MW, part 3 for industrial
machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal speeds between 120 rpm
and 15000 rpm when measured in situ, part 7 rotodynamic pumps for industrial
applications, including measurements on rotating shafts).
All rotating equipment shall be statically and dynamically balanced in the
3. Sound pressure levels are expressed in dB(A) referenced to 20 μPa and
measured according to ISO 1680, ISO 1996, ISO 3746, ISO 6190, ISO 10494.
4. All equipment shall be designed in order to meet a A-weighted sound pressure
level LpA < 85 dB(A) at a distance of 1 m from the equipment surface or