This Specification defines the minimum acceptable requirements to ALSTOM Wuhan Boiler (the Purchaser) for the water level gages to be installed in Karabiga 2x660 MW Coal Fired Power Plant in Turkey. This specification gives the requirements for the detailed design, supply, manufacture, testing, certification, marking and identification and packing for shipment and storage of the items listed attachment and is to include documentation.
1.2 The extent of supply stated herein is not necessarily exhaustive and shall not relieve the Supplier from his responsibility to provide goods and services necessary to satisfy the Purchaser’s performance criteria and required life, to be complete for installation and to be fit for purpose, safe, reliable, easily maintained and efficient in operation.
1.3 Materials and equipment must be new and of proven design. Alternative designs shall be subject to Alstom Wuhan Boiler’s engineering approval. Materials containing asbestos, RCF (refractory ceramic fibers), PCBs, mercury, lead-based paint or any other hazardous materials are not allowed.
1.4 All documents submitted to Alstom shall be in English and using SI Metric units.
1.5 Parts subject to wear, corrosion, deterioration or requiring adjustment, inspection or repair shall be accessible and capable of convenient removal, replacement, and repair.
1.6 The Supplier shall complete and submit the Supplier data sheets in Section 7.0 of this specification with the equipment offered in full conformance with the specification. All omissions or exceptions to the requirements of this specification must be included in the DEVITATIONS TO THE SPECIFICATION portion of the Supplier data sheet(s). Without the completed data sheet(s) and the signed DEVITATIONS TO THE SPECIFICATION sheet(s), the proposal will not be evaluated.
1.7 KKS identification system is applied in the project. The technical data (including drawings) and the equipment identification supplied by Seller shall be completed with KKS code.
1.8 The Supplier shall ensure that the goods and services provided comply with the laws and regulations at the site. The manufacturing processes shall comply with the laws of the country of origin.
There are Two (2) boilers for this contract and One (1) set water level gage shall be provided per boiler in accordance with this specification. Each boiler shall include, but not limited to, the following list.
The supply extent of magnetic level gage
1. Flash tank drain tank Magnetic level gauge with drain valves 1 set
2. Special tools (such as Magnetic steel). 1 set
3. Site erection consumables to assemble and install equipment including fixing bolts, gaskets, shims etc. for site erection. Also Commissioning and start-up spares. Required
4. Commissioning and start-up spares Required
5. Recommended Maintenance, Strategic spares for two years operation Option
6. Shop painting and Surface protection Required
7. Packaging for overseas shipping Required
8. Labels/nameplates - Stainless Steel equipment identification tags are required for all Supplied equipment. Required
9. Functional test & Test certificates Required
10. Technical and quality documentation, as defined in Section 5.3 Required
Quantities described in the list are for one boiler (except otherwise specified).
Note: - The supplier is requested to add items that have to be supplied to meet the function requirements of magnetic level gage.
3.1 At inlet connecting pair flange and drain valve outlet
3.2 At the electrical terminals in suitable (IP 65) electrical enclosures/termination boxes.
Location and Climate refer “Site Location Information” document # 603-SP-02.101.
5.1 Document description
The Supplier shall provide all these drawings, diagrams, descriptions, data sheets, defined in 5.2 & 5.3 during different stages.
5.2 Submitted with Quotation
S.N Title Description
1 Equipment Dimension Drawings The drawings shall show overall dimensions, mounting connections, location of auxiliary components, clearances required for proper installation and maintenance, connecting flange details, welding groove angle, and shall state the weights of all major components.
2 List of supplied equipment All the supplied equipment should list the quantity, name, type, manufacturer, etc.
3 Magnetic level gage data sheet(s) Supplier shall submit Magnetic level gage data sheet (refer 603-DS-11.054) for review
5.3 Submitted During Contract
All documents submitted in Quotation shall be updated with clear and detailed information and submit to purchaser before PO+2 weeks.
Below documents shall be provided by supplier additionally:
S.N Title Description Submit Date
1 Supplier Document Schedule Titles and doc. No. of all documents to be submitted. PO+2 weeks
2 FAT Supplier’s recommended factory acceptance test including list of shop tests that will be conducted on the furnished equipment. PO+8 weeks
3 Calibration sheets Calibration sheets for all instrumentation furnished. PO+8weeks
4 Nameplate drawing Nameplate drawing showing the formatting of the nameplate & the exact data that will go on it. PO+8 weeks
5 List of spares supplied with level gage List of installation, commissioning and start-up spares PO+8 weeks
6 List of recommended spare parts List of recommended spare parts as defined in Section 2.0, Optional Equipment, priced. This list shall include as a minimum the supplier recommends for Two (2) years of continuous operation of their supplied equipment. PO+8 weeks
7 Storage and Preservation Procedures Including a list of all items stating storage area dimensions, weights, any special storage conditions and details of goods of a hazardous nature or items of limited shelf life. PO+8 weeks
8 Quality Documentation Package Each package shall be divided to facilitate identification of records to components in the order of the Quality Plan operation to which they relate. PO+8 weeks
9 O&M manuals Complete set(s) of instruction, manuals for operation, maintenance, and erection; quantities will be identified in the purchase order. PO+8 weeks
PO- Purchase Order issue date
6.1 General Requirement
6.1.1 Magnetic level gage main material shall be of stainless steel, connecting pipe shall be compatible with the tank pipe material.
6.1.2 Magnetic float shall be made of titanium alloy, if other material adopted supplier shall inform purchaser. Magnet shall remain good function at least 10 years in operating condition.
6.1.3 Turning column can turn to the other side flexibly when magnet moves up and down. The color of the part under water shall be in green and the other part shall be in red.
6.1.4 Water level transmitter shall not be provided with level gage.
6.1.5 A Magnet tool shall be supplied for the indicator adjusting.
6.1.6 The whole gage should be carried out with1.5 x design pressure hydrostatic test, only no any leakage could be accepted. The 1.5 x design pressure hydrostatic test should be checked in FAT.
6.2 Factory Acceptance Test
Prior to shipment, the whole level gage with all ancillaries shall be assembled and fully functional tested and hydrostatic test.
The Supplier shall submit to Alstom, test requirements in a form to be verified during Factory Acceptance Test. The test and simulation plan shall be reviewed and approved by Alstom.
The Supplier shall record Factory Acceptance Test and submit the report to AWBC. The whole equipment will not be shipped until the FAT had been accepted.
6.3 Packing and Shipment
6.3.1 All threaded connections shall be plugged or capped with standard pipe plugs or caps.
6.3.2 The equipment shall be adequately prepared for overseas shipment and outdoor storage for a period of 1year(s) at the site.
6.3.3 Detailed packing and shipment requirement shall refer to 603-SP-15.001 General Packing Specification and 603-SP-17.001 Technical specification of transportation.
Each Magnetic level gage shall be fitted with an engraved English language nameplate, which shall remain legible during service life. Nameplate should include: KKS no, type, service.
Nameplates shall be manufactured from stainless steel engraved with the tag identity. Figure height shall be a minimum of 3/16”. Nameplates shall be permanently fixed using tack welding, stainless steel screws or affixed by stainless steel wire (tack welded ends) where most appropriate.
KKS Service Qty
10LCL20CL503 Flash tank drain tank water level gage 1
The contract is for 2 units. Tags of Unit-1 will be prefixed with “10”, Unit-2 with “20”.
SUPPLIER is required to submit 603-DS-11.054 Magnetic level gage Data Sheets, with all requested data completed, with the proposal. These data sheets shall be filled in and submitted with the first submittal. Without this completed datasheet, the proposal will not be evaluated.
The Supplier shall meet all process conditions shown on the data sheet or shall notify Alstom of any deviations.
7.1 DEVIATIONS to the Specification
The Supplier shall provide a complete written description of all omissions or exceptions to the requirements of this specification in below section.
Supplier guarantee that the level gaga and ancillary equipment supplied shall satisfy the requirements of this specification Sections 1.0 through 7.0 and Appendix except below deviations specifically noted.
TABLE 7.1 –DEVITATIONS to the Specification
item Clause No. Clause of this Specification Supplier’s Deviation
Equipment to be supplied in accordance with all documents and references in this Appendix:
603-SP-00.002 Supplier Document instruction
603-SP-15.001 General Packing Specification
This Specification defines the minimum acceptable requirements to ALSTOM Wuhan Boiler (the Purchaser) for the water level gages to be installed in Karabiga 2x660 MW Coal Fired Power Plant in Turkey. This specification gives the requirements for the detailed design, supply, manufacture, testing, certification, marking and identification and packing for shipment and storage of the items listed attachment and is to include documentation.1.2 The extent of supply stated herein is not necessarily exhaustive and shall not relieve the Supplier from his responsibility to provide goods and services necessary to satisfy the Purchaser’s performance criteria and required life, to be complete for installation and to be fit for purpose, safe, reliable, easily maintained and efficient in operation.1.3 Materials and equipment must be new and of proven design. Alternative designs shall be subject to Alstom Wuhan Boiler’s engineering approval. Materials containing asbestos, RCF (refractory ceramic fibers), PCBs, mercury, lead-based paint or any other hazardous materials are not allowed. 1.4 All documents submitted to Alstom shall be in English and using SI Metric units.1.5 Parts subject to wear, corrosion, deterioration or requiring adjustment, inspection or repair shall be accessible and capable of convenient removal, replacement, and repair.1.6,供应商应填写及提供的供应商数据表中节 7.0 这种规格的设备提供完整和规范的一致性。所有遗漏或本规范要求的例外必须都包括在供应商的数据页的规格为 DEVITATIONS 部分。如果没有已完成的数据页和签名规范 DEVITATIONS 的表,这项建议不会被计算。1.7 KKS 识别系统应用于该项目。技术资料 (包括图纸) 和由卖方提供的设备识别应与 KKS 代码完成。1.8,供应商应确保提供货物和服务符合现场的法律法规。制造过程应遵守原籍国的法律。2.0 由供应商提供的设备有两个 2 锅炉为本合同,应遵照本规范锅炉每提供一 1 集的水位计。每个锅炉应包括,但不是限于以下列表。对磁位计的供应项目号每个锅炉单位描述数量1.闪蒸罐排水箱磁水平衡量与排水阀门 1 套2.特殊的工具,(例如磁性钢)。1 套3.网站架设耗材组装和安装设备包括固定螺栓、 垫圈、 垫片等网站架设。也调试和启动的备件。必填4. Commissioning and start-up spares Required5. Recommended Maintenance, Strategic spares for two years operation Option6. Shop painting and Surface protection Required7. Packaging for overseas shipping Required8. Labels/nameplates - Stainless Steel equipment identification tags are required for all Supplied equipment. Required9. Functional test & Test certificates Required10. Technical and quality documentation, as defined in Section 5.3 Required Quantities described in the list are for one boiler (except otherwise specified). Note: - The supplier is requested to add items that have to be supplied to meet the function requirements of magnetic level gage.3.0 TERMINAL POINTS3.1 At inlet connecting pair flange and drain valve outlet3.2 At the electrical terminals in suitable (IP 65) electrical enclosures/termination boxes.4.0 SITE AND OPERATING CONDITIONSLocation and Climate refer “Site Location Information” document # 603-SP- DRAWINGS and DATA SUBMITTED BY SUPPLIER5.1 Document descriptionThe Supplier shall provide all these drawings, diagrams, descriptions, data sheets, defined in 5.2 & 5.3 during different stages.5.2 Submitted with Quotation S.N Title Description1 Equipment Dimension Drawings The drawings shall show overall dimensions, mounting connections, location of auxiliary components, clearances required for proper installation and maintenance, connecting flange details, welding groove angle, and shall state the weights of all major components. 2 提供设备所有提供的设备清单应列出数量、 名称、 类型、 生产厂家等。3 磁位计数据工作表供应商应提交磁位计资料表 (请参阅 603-DS-11.054) 的审查5.3 在合同期间提交在报价提交的所有文件应明确和详细的信息更新和宝 + 2 个星期前向买方提交。以下文件应由供应商另外:S.N 标题描述提交日期1 供应商文件附表标题和凭证号提交的所有文件。蒲 + 2 周2 脂肪供应商的建议包括将进行家具设备的商店测试列表的工厂验收测试。蒲 + 8 周3 校准床单装备的所有仪器的校准记录。蒲 + 8 周4 铭牌绘图铭牌绘图显示格式的铭牌及会对它的确切数据。蒲 + 8 周5 液位计宝 + 8 周的安装、 调试和启动备件清单提供的备件清单推荐备件推荐备件清单 6 清单定义在部分 2.0 中,可选的设备,价格。此列表应包括供应商建议为其提供的设备的连续运行的两个 2 年最低。蒲 + 8 周7 存储和保存程序包括说明存储区尺寸,重量,任何特殊的存储条件和危险性质的货物或物品的有限的货架寿命的详细信息的所有项的列表。蒲 + 8 周8 Quality Documentation Package Each package shall be divided to facilitate identification of records to components in the order of the Quality Plan operation to which they relate. PO+8 weeks9 O&M manuals Complete set(s) of instruction, manuals for operation, maintenance, and erection; quantities will be identified in the purchase order. PO+8 weeksPO- Purchase Order issue date6.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS6.1 General Requirement6.1.1 Magnetic level gage main material shall be of stainless steel, connecting pipe shall be compatible with the tank pipe material.6.1.2 Magnetic float shall be made of titanium alloy, if other material adopted supplier shall inform purchaser. Magnet shall remain good function at least 10 years in operating condition.6.1.3 Turning column can turn to the other side flexibly when magnet moves up and down. The color of the part under water shall be in green and the other part shall be in red.6.1.4 Water level transmitter shall not be provided with level gage.6.1.5 A Magnet tool shall be supplied for the indicator adjusting.6.1.6 The whole gage should be carried out with1.5 x design pressure hydrostatic test, only no any leakage could be accepted. The 1.5 x design pressure hydrostatic test should be checked in FAT.6.2 Factory Acceptance TestPrior to shipment, the whole level gage with all ancillaries shall be assembled and fully functional tested and hydrostatic test. The Supplier shall submit to Alstom, test requirements in a form to be verified during Factory Acceptance Test. The test and simulation plan shall be reviewed and approved by Alstom.
The Supplier shall record Factory Acceptance Test and submit the report to AWBC. The whole equipment will not be shipped until the FAT had been accepted.
6.3 Packing and Shipment
6.3.1 All threaded connections shall be plugged or capped with standard pipe plugs or caps.
6.3.2 The equipment shall be adequately prepared for overseas shipment and outdoor storage for a period of 1year(s) at the site.
6.3.3 Detailed packing and shipment requirement shall refer to 603-SP-15.001 General Packing Specification and 603-SP-17.001 Technical specification of transportation.
Each Magnetic level gage shall be fitted with an engraved English language nameplate, which shall remain legible during service life. Nameplate should include: KKS no, type, service.
Nameplates shall be manufactured from stainless steel engraved with the tag identity. Figure height shall be a minimum of 3/16”. Nameplates shall be permanently fixed using tack welding, stainless steel screws or affixed by stainless steel wire (tack welded ends) where most appropriate.
KKS Service Qty
10LCL20CL503 Flash tank drain tank water level gage 1
The contract is for 2 units. Tags of Unit-1 will be prefixed with “10”, Unit-2 with “20”.
SUPPLIER is required to submit 603-DS-11.054 Magnetic level gage Data Sheets, with all requested data completed, with the proposal. These data sheets shall be filled in and submitted with the first submittal. Without this completed datasheet, the proposal will not be evaluated.
The Supplier shall meet all process conditions shown on the data sheet or shall notify Alstom of any deviations.
7.1 DEVIATIONS to the Specification
The Supplier shall provide a complete written description of all omissions or exceptions to the requirements of this specification in below section.
Supplier guarantee that the level gaga and ancillary equipment supplied shall satisfy the requirements of this specification Sections 1.0 through 7.0 and Appendix except below deviations specifically noted.
TABLE 7.1 –DEVITATIONS to the Specification
item Clause No. Clause of this Specification Supplier’s Deviation
Equipment to be supplied in accordance with all documents and references in this Appendix:
603-SP-00.002 Supplier Document instruction
603-SP-15.001 General Packing Specification