the same as those of the inoculum. This rust fungus was autoecious, and thus we maintained it on ohia using the same procedure as for the pathogenicity test.
Urediniospores are echinulate, ellipsoidal to obovoid Fig. 1c), yellow, and have transparent and colorless walls Fig. 1e). Urediniospores ranged in size from 19 to 28 lm estimated mean (m) and SD = 23 ± 5.4 lm] 9 13 to 23 lm (m and SD = 19 ± 5.9 lm, N = 100). Germ pores
123 on the urediniospore were ambiguous, and walls were approximately 1 lm thick. These morphologies of the urediniospores are similar to those of P. psidii (Ferreira 1989; Gallegos and Cummins 1981). To observe any formation of teliospores and basidiospores, inoculated plants