consegna prevista entro il 29/12/2014, ad oggi 31/12/2014 ancora non ho ricevuto l' articolo. Chiedo spiegazioni e chiarimenti. eventuali modalità di annullamento ordine?
estimated delivery within the 12/29/2014 12/31/2014 today I still have not received the item.Ask for explanations and clarifications.any order cancellation mode?
Delivery expected by 12/29/2014, to date 31/12/2014 still have not received the 'article. I ask explanations and clarifications. any mode cancellation order?
The delivery plan to 2014 12 / 29 / 31 / 12 / 2014, so far, I have not received my article to explain and clarify the preheater preheater. Any way. Cancel the order?