Dear Thilawa Locators,
This e-mail is to inform Thilawa SEZ locators of electricity payment to YESC(*).
1. Infrastructure Charge by YESC
As some of you may have already recognized, we came to know that all companies including Thilawa locators and MJTD would be required to pay “Infrastructure Charge” from YESC.
This is one time payment before power energizing, and payable amount depends on transformer capacity we set up.
You can check with the attached “Infra YESC.PDF” how much they could charge on your power connection.
2. Payment Procedure
Regarding the above payment, MJTD has been required from TSMC the following two.
Copy of the request letter is attached.
- To collect first time power charge from Thilawa locators
- To make payment to YESC on behalf of locators
The payment procedure is as follows.
a) YESC issues invoice to each of locators after electricity inspection
b) The original invoice is sent to MJTD
c) MJTD issues debit note to the locator according to the YESC invoice
d) The locator make payment to MJTD’s bank account before energizing
e) MJTD issues receipt to the locator, and make settlement to YESC on behalf of the locator
f) The original receipt is sent to the locator through MJTD
?YESCからの請求に基づき、MJTDより入居企業宛てにDebit Noteを発行
3. Monthly Electricity Charge
After power energizing, you are required to settle monthly electricity consumption charge through MJTD.
Electricity consumption price per unit (KWH) is exactly same as current government rate.
The price tariff is also attached, and subject to change of government policy.
*Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation ; government-owned power distribution company
**Thilawa SEZ Management Committee
Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.
With best regards,
Kayo USHIO (Ms.)
Myanmar Japan Thilawa Development Ltd.
e-mail :
mobile : 09-250644476
Dear Thilawa Locators,ティラワ入居企業のみなさまThis e-mail is to inform Thilawa SEZ locators of electricity payment to YESC(*).電力使用に関するYESC(ヤンゴン電力供給公社)へのお支払につき、ご案内申し上げます。1. Infrastructure Charge by YESCAs some of you may have already recognized, we came to know that all companies including Thilawa locators and MJTD would be required to pay “Infrastructure Charge” from YESC.This is one time payment before power energizing, and payable amount depends on transformer capacity we set up.You can check with the attached “Infra YESC.PDF” how much they could charge on your power connection.電気の利用開始に際しまして、YESCより各社宛てに初期費用の請求があることがわかりました。ティラワ入居企業やMJTDを含むすべての企業に請求されるもので、通電前に支払いを済ませる必要があるようです。YESCへの支払金額は各社が設置する変圧機器の容量によりますので、添付の表にて確認をお願いいたします。2. Payment ProcedureRegarding the above payment, MJTD has been required from TSMC the following two.Copy of the request letter is attached.- To collect first time power charge from Thilawa locators- To make payment to YESC on behalf of locators上記は通常YESCへ直接支払うものですが、ティラワ入居企業に限り弊社にてお支払金額をいったんお預かりし、YESCへの支払いも弊社から行うようSEZ管理委員会からの要請を受けております。The payment procedure is as follows.a) YESC issues invoice to each of locators after electricity inspectionb) The original invoice is sent to MJTDc) MJTD issues debit note to the locator according to the YESC invoiced) The locator make payment to MJTD’s bank account before energizinge) MJTD issues receipt to the locator, and make settlement to YESC on behalf of the locatorf) The original receipt is sent to the locator through MJTD具体的なお支払手続きは、下記のとおりでございます。?YESCからティラワ入居各社宛てに請求書を発行?上記請求書の原本はMJTDにていったんお預かり?YESCからの請求に基づき、MJTDより入居企業宛てにDebit Noteを発行?通電前に、入居企業からMJTDへお支払?MJTDより領収書を発行後、MJTDからYESCへ支払い?YESCより領収書が発行され、MJTDを通じて入居企業へお渡し3. Monthly Electricity ChargeAfter power energizing, you are required to settle monthly electricity consumption charge through MJTD.Electricity consumption price per unit (KWH) is exactly same as current government rate.The price tariff is also attached, and subject to change of government policy.通電後の電気使用料は、MJTDよりご請求書を発行させていただきます。電気料金は既存の政府レートと同じで、添付のWordファイルに記載のとおりでございます。添付の料金表は、ミャンマー政府やYESCの料金改定により変更となる可能性がございます。*Yangon Electricity Supply Corporation ; government-owned power distribution company**Thilawa SEZ Management CommitteeThank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.ご理解・ご協力のほど、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。With best regards,Kayo USHIO (Ms.)Myanmar Japan Thilawa Development Ltd.e-mail : : 09-250644476