Hi 緋塞斯塔羅占卜師,Last September, we announced a series of changes that we’d be making to better protect kids and their privacy on YouTube, and to address the concerns raised to us by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).Specifically, that all creators would be required to designate their content as made for kids or not made for kids in YouTube Studio, and that personal information from anyone watching a video designated as made for kids would be treated as coming from a child, regardless of the age of the user.Starting today, we will no longer serve personalized ads or support features such as comments, Stories, live chat, notification bell, and others on videos designated made for kids.We know these changes may have significant impact on creators making kids content, so we’re committed to helping them navigate this new landscape. We continue to engage on this issue, including by participating in the FTC's open comment period. We know many creators have provided valuable feedback as well.If you haven’t already, please ensure you have set your channel (or individual videos) as made for kids or not, as this will ultimately determine how your content is treated on YouTube.Creators know their content best, and should set the designation themselves. We also use machine learning to help us identify this content, and creators can update a designation made by our systems if they believe it is incorrect. We will only override a change if abuse or error is detected.
Hi 緋塞斯塔羅占卜師,<br>Last September, we announced a series of changes that we’d be making to better protect kids and their privacy on YouTube, and to address the concerns raised to us by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).<br>Specifically, that all creators would be required to designate their content as made for kids or not made for kids in YouTube Studio, and that personal information from anyone watching a video designated as made for kids would be treated as coming from a child, regardless of the age of the user.<br>Starting today, we will no longer serve personalized ads or support features such as comments, Stories, live chat, notification bell, and others on videos designated made for kids.<br>我們知道,這些變化可能對創作者製作的孩子含量顯著的影響,所以我們致力於幫助他們瀏覽這個新的景觀。我們將繼續從事在這個問題上,包括通過參加FTC的開放評議期。我們知道,很多創作者提供了寶貴的反饋意見為好。<br>如果你還沒有,請確保您已設置頻道(或個人視頻),作為孩子或不發,因為這將最終決定你的內容是如何在YouTube上的處理。<br>創想知道他們的內容最好的,並應設置標誌自己。我們還使用機器學習來幫助我們確定此內容,創作者可以更新我們的系統進行的,如果他們認為這是不正確的指定。如果檢測到濫用或錯誤,我們將只覆蓋的變化。