The Silk’n Flash and Go is quick and easy to set up and comes with an instruction DVD that tells you everything you need to know.
There are 3 intensity settings and it is recommended to start with the lowest setting for your first treatment. The device actually has a built in safety feature which means that the first 50 pulses of light are at the lowest energy setting by default. This can, however be overidden should you wish by simply holding down the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons together until you hear a bleep.
To use you device you simply press it to the skin so the built-in sensor can detect the skin tone and determine whether it is safe to pulse the area with light. Once safe, it flashes to indicate you can use the first pulse.
You press the button and a camera flash of light is sent to your skin, thats it! you can move onto your next area.
The treatment should be painless with most users reporting only a slight warming sensation even on the highest energy setting.