70 years ago, in 1943, Mr. Enrique Pascual laid the foundation stone of which in the future would become exclusive to Pascual and Furió SA. It began as a commercial agent of the principal pharmaceutical laboratories in the area of Levante and Murcia, which allowed him to open offices in Valencia, Castellón, Alicante and Murcia.Exclusive of Pascual and Furió SA was born in 1977, as a result of the creation of a new business line of laboratory products, with exclusive representation of Johnson & Johnson, in particular its division of Ortho Clinical Lab. In the following years there were created new divisions: Geriatrics, hospitals, research and electromedical equipment, together with the laboratory division, still active today. As a result of the strong growth of the company, in 1999 was built a new and modern warehouse, where is located the headquarters, offices and shops.In 2000, Mr. Jorge Pascual Furio, son of the founder, became President of the company, until now. With him, a man with a solid financial base, the company was modernized. Created new divisions: finance, import and Marketing. In 2002, Pascual and Furio bought, VICA MEDICA SL, a Spanish company specialized in hospital equipment advanced important exclusive international representations, which allowed the full opening to the Spanish market of Pascual and Furio. In 2004 Pascual and Furio, acquired INVIMED Inc, an American company which allowed him to enter the Latin American market, reaching equip entire hospitals.Today, Pascual and Furio has its warehouses and offices in Valencia, Barcelona and Zaragoza, and representative offices in Madrid, Sevilla, Oviedo, Bilbao, Las Palmas, A Coruña and Burgos.With over 20 exclusive distributions in Pascual, Furio, Spanish and South American markets it buys its products mainly in USA, Germany, Korea, United Kingdom, India, Taiwan, Israel, Austria, Japan, among others.