00:00:02,190 --> 00:00:05,844
I've seen more than my fair share of color problems in older photos, and this
00:00:05,844 --> 00:00:11,450
is a very good example of the type of problems that I run into from time to time.
00:00:11,450 --> 00:00:15,098
I'm not sure if this was caused by damage after the print had been placed into a
00:00:15,098 --> 00:00:18,632
photo album or if perhaps there had been some light leakage on the original
00:00:18,632 --> 00:00:24,526
transparency, the original negative. But whatever the cause, I have this
00:00:24,526 --> 00:00:28,090
orange blob over on the left side of the frame, and I'd obviously like to correct
00:00:28,090 --> 00:00:31,918
that color. You can see that that discoloration is
00:00:31,918 --> 00:00:35,837
not affecting the texture in the photo. We can still see, for example, the grass
00:00:35,837 --> 00:00:39,310
texture back here. It's only affecting the color.
00:00:39,310 --> 00:00:44,560
So, I'm going to alter the color in the photo in order to improve the result.
00:00:44,560 --> 00:00:48,775
I'll start off by adding a new layer. I'll click on the Create New Layer button.
00:00:48,775 --> 00:00:51,830
The blank sheet of paper icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
00:00:51,830 --> 00:00:54,885
And then I'll rename this layer, simply by double-clicking on the name for the
00:00:54,885 --> 00:00:59,032
layer and typing something new. I'll just type Color Fix, for example,
00:00:59,032 --> 00:01:02,410
and then press Enter or Return on the keyboard.
00:01:02,410 --> 00:01:06,470
I also want to make sure to change the Blend mode for this layer.
00:01:06,470 --> 00:01:09,818
I don't want to paint pixels directly on top of my photo, but rather I want to
00:01:09,818 --> 00:01:14,530
paint pixels that will only alter the color of the underlying image.
00:01:14,530 --> 00:01:18,150
An so I'm going to change the Blend mode, to color.
00:01:18,150 --> 00:01:21,516
Next, I'll grab the Brush tool from the toolbox, and then I'll make sure that I'm
00:01:21,516 --> 00:01:26,752
working with a soft edge brush. I'm going to use a Hardness value of 0%.
00:01:26,752 --> 00:01:30,058
Then I can move my mouse out over the image and adjust the brush size as
00:01:30,058 --> 00:01:33,480
needed, pressing the key to reduce the size of the brush, or the key to
00:01:33,480 --> 00:01:39,242
increase the size of the brush. I then need to find a color that I'm
00:01:39,242 --> 00:01:42,188
going to paint with. And we'll start off with a shade of green
00:01:42,188 --> 00:01:45,663
that matches the grass. And so, with my Brush tool active, I'm
00:01:45,663 --> 00:01:49,443
going to hold the Alt key on Windows, or the Option key on Macintosh while
00:01:49,443 --> 00:01:54,590
clicking on an area of the grass. Holding the Alt or Option key with the
00:01:54,590 --> 00:01:58,300
Brush tool activate will give me the Eyedropper tool temporarily.
00:01:58,300 --> 00:02:01,615
And as you can see, then clicking in the image has set my foreground color to the
00:02:01,615 --> 00:02:06,438
color that was underneath the mouse. Now, I'm ready to paint into this area of
00:02:06,438 --> 00:02:09,561
the image. The area has this reddish orange color
00:02:09,561 --> 00:02:13,709
cast, and I'm going to replace that color with a shade of green taken from directly
00:02:13,709 --> 00:02:17,740
within the photo. So, I know the color is going to match
00:02:17,740 --> 00:02:22,128
reasonably well. I'll go ahead and paint that color into
00:02:22,128 --> 00:02:26,130
the photo. Ideally only painting on areas of grass.
00:02:26,130 --> 00:02:29,010
You can see that some of these areas don't quite match up as well as I would
00:02:29,010 --> 00:02:32,430
have liked. I think the color I chose just wasn't
00:02:32,430 --> 00:02:35,368
quite right for portions of the grass here.
00:02:35,368 --> 00:02:38,245
But that's no problem. I can simply hold the Alt or Option key
00:02:38,245 --> 00:02:41,680
once again. And click in another area of the image.
00:02:41,680 --> 00:02:45,160
And find a different shade of grass, a different shade of green to be used
00:02:45,160 --> 00:02:48,790
within the photo. And I can continue in this manner as
00:02:48,790 --> 00:02:52,750
needed, painting what I feel is a more appropriate color into specific areas of
00:02:52,750 --> 00:02:56,859
the photo. Of course, in this case I'm only working
00:02:56,859 --> 00:03:00,510
on the grass. I still need to deal with the elbow here.
00:03:00,510 --> 00:03:04,137
The jacket has been discolored as well. And so I'll go ahead and hold the alt or
00:03:04,137 --> 00:03:08,308
option key and click on the jacket. And then click and drag to paint on
00:03:08,308 --> 00:03:12,818
portions of that jacket. You can see that I've overlapped into the
00:03:12,818 --> 00:03:15,676
grass area. And so I can simply choose a shade of
00:03:15,676 --> 00:03:21,840
green from the grass and then paint a little bit more carefully along that edge.
00:03:21,840 --> 00:03:24,237
There we go. So, obviously not a perfect result, but
00:03:24,237 --> 00:03:27,626
I'm making progress here. I can continue working in terms of
00:03:27,626 --> 00:03:31,640
sampling the colors, but let's take a look at what I've done thus far.
00:03:31,640 --> 00:03:34,722
I'll go ahead and turn off the background image layer, and you can see the various
00:03:34,722 --> 00:03:37,880
shades of green that I've painted within the image.
00:03:37,880 --> 00:03:40,770
I've actually just been painting a solid color.
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But because I'm using the color blend mode Only the color of the underlying
00:03:44,738 --> 00:03:48,722
image is being affected. I'm not adjusting tonality, and
00:03:48,722 --> 00:03:52,430
therefore, I'm not altering the texture. So I'll go ahead and turn off the
00:03:52,430 --> 00:03:55,890
visibility for that color fix layer, and then turn it back on again.
00:03:55,890 --> 00:03:58,740
You can see probably a few areas that aren't a perfect match, but I can
00:03:58,740 --> 00:04:03,450
continue fine-tuning those. But obviously, I've already made a huge improvement.
00:04:03,450 --> 00:04:07,162
So, simply by painting colors that already exist within the photo using that
00:04:07,162 --> 00:04:12,840
color blend mode, we can very quickly and easily correct color problems in a photo.
100:00:02,190--> 00:00:05,844我见过更多比我的旧照片中的颜色问题的公平份额和这200:00:05,844--> 00:00:11,450是很好的例子,我跑进次又一次的问题的类型。300:00:11 450--> 00:00:15,098我不知道这造成的损害后打印已放入400:00:15,098--> 00:00:18,632相册或假如或许有一些轻微的漏原500:00:18,632--> 00:00:24,526透明度,原底片。但不管是什么原因,我有这个600:00:24,526--> 00:00:28,090在左边的框架中,在橙色 blob 和显然希望纠正700:00:28,090--> 00:00:31,918那种颜色。你可以看到那变色是800:00:31,918--> 00:00:35,837不影响质感的照片。我们可以还看到,例如,草900:00:35,837--> 00:00:39,310纹理回到这里。它只影响颜色。1000:00:39,310--> 00:00:44,560所以,我要去改变这张照片中的颜色,以改善结果。1100:00:44,560--> 00:00:48,775我想先通过添加一个新图层。点击创建新图层按钮。1200:00:48,775--> 00:00:51,830张空白的纸层面板底部的图标。1300:00:51,830--> 00:00:54,885然后我会简单地通过双击名称重命名这一层,1400:00:54,885--> 00:00:59,032layer and typing something new. I'll just type Color Fix, for example,1500:00:59,032 --> 00:01:02,410and then press Enter or Return on the keyboard.1600:01:02,410 --> 00:01:06,470I also want to make sure to change the Blend mode for this layer.1700:01:06,470 --> 00:01:09,818I don't want to paint pixels directly on top of my photo, but rather I want to1800:01:09,818 --> 00:01:14,530paint pixels that will only alter the color of the underlying image.1900:01:14,530 --> 00:01:18,150An so I'm going to change the Blend mode, to color.2000:01:18,150 --> 00:01:21,516Next, I'll grab the Brush tool from the toolbox, and then I'll make sure that I'm2100:01:21,516 --> 00:01:26,752working with a soft edge brush. I'm going to use a Hardness value of 0%.2200:01:26,752 --> 00:01:30,058Then I can move my mouse out over the image and adjust the brush size as2300:01:30,058 --> 00:01:33,480needed, pressing the key to reduce the size of the brush, or the key to2400:01:33,480 --> 00:01:39,242increase the size of the brush. I then need to find a color that I'm2500:01:39,242 --> 00:01:42,188going to paint with. And we'll start off with a shade of green2600:01:42,188 --> 00:01:45,663that matches the grass. And so, with my Brush tool active, I'm2700:01:45,663 --> 00:01:49,443going to hold the Alt key on Windows, or the Option key on Macintosh while2800:01:49,443 --> 00:01:54,590clicking on an area of the grass. Holding the Alt or Option key with the2900:01:54,590 --> 00:01:58,300Brush tool activate will give me the Eyedropper tool temporarily.3000:01:58,300 --> 00:02:01,615And as you can see, then clicking in the image has set my foreground color to the3100:02:01,615 --> 00:02:06,438color that was underneath the mouse. Now, I'm ready to paint into this area of3200:02:06,438 --> 00:02:09,561the image. The area has this reddish orange color3300:02:09,561 --> 00:02:13,709cast, and I'm going to replace that color with a shade of green taken from directly3400:02:13,709 --> 00:02:17,740within the photo. So, I know the color is going to match3500:02:17,740 --> 00:02:22,128reasonably well. I'll go ahead and paint that color into3600:02:22,128 --> 00:02:26,130the photo. Ideally only painting on areas of grass.3700:02:26,130 --> 00:02:29,010You can see that some of these areas don't quite match up as well as I would3800:02:29,010 --> 00:02:32,430have liked. I think the color I chose just wasn't3900:02:32,430 --> 00:02:35,368quite right for portions of the grass here.4000:02:35,368 --> 00:02:38,245But that's no problem. I can simply hold the Alt or Option key4100:02:38,245 --> 00:02:41,680once again. And click in another area of the image.4200:02:41,680 --> 00:02:45,160And find a different shade of grass, a different shade of green to be used4300:02:45,160 --> 00:02:48,790within the photo. And I can continue in this manner as4400:02:48,790 --> 00:02:52,750needed, painting what I feel is a more appropriate color into specific areas of4500:02:52,750 --> 00:02:56,859the photo. Of course, in this case I'm only working4600:02:56,859 --> 00:03:00,510on the grass. I still need to deal with the elbow here.4700:03:00,510 --> 00:03:04,137The jacket has been discolored as well. And so I'll go ahead and hold the alt or4800:03:04,137 --> 00:03:08,308option key and click on the jacket. And then click and drag to paint on4900:03:08,308 --> 00:03:12,818portions of that jacket. You can see that I've overlapped into the5000:03:12,818 --> 00:03:15,676grass area. And so I can simply choose a shade of5100:03:15,676 --> 00:03:21,840green from the grass and then paint a little bit more carefully along that edge.5200:03:21,840 --> 00:03:24,237There we go. So, obviously not a perfect result, but5300:03:24,237 --> 00:03:27,626I'm making progress here. I can continue working in terms of5400:03:27,626 --> 00:03:31,640sampling the colors, but let's take a look at what I've done thus far.5500:03:31,640 --> 00:03:34,722I'll go ahead and turn off the background image layer, and you can see the various5600:03:34,722 --> 00:03:37,880shades of green that I've painted within the image.5700:03:37,880 --> 00:03:40,770我已经实际上只画一种纯色。5800:03:40,770--> 00:03:44,738但因为我使用了颜色混合模式只有底层颜色5900:03:44,738--> 00:03:48,722图像是受到影响。我不调整色调,和6000:03:48,722--> 00:03:52,430因此,我不改变纹理。所以我会继续关闭6100:03:52,430--> 00:03:55,890那种颜色的可见性修复层,然后将它重新打开。6200:03:55,890--> 00:03:58,740你可以看到可能的几个领域,不是一场完美的比赛,但我可以6300:03:58,740--> 00:04:03,450继续微调那些。但很显然,我已经作好一个巨大的改进。6400:04:03,450--> 00:04:07,162所以,简单地由绘画颜色,已经存在内使用的照片6500:04:07,162--> 00:04:12,840颜色混合模式,我们可以非常快速、 方便地纠正在一张照片的颜色问题。