stage, I didn’t know what I should tell him, when I went in front of Soohyun, he knew whose fan I was so he gave me a great smile but, I asked him, “are you alright?”. Then Soohyun, he suddenly looked like he was going to cry, he answered “I’m alright” while doing his best to keep smiling. But it was so painful and so sad for me, even though the staff member made me move away, I asked him, “are you really alright!?”, and he answered, “I told you that I was alright”… Until the event ended I cried really loudly. I already went down from the stage so I cried on the stairs. Even though he works this hard, because a damn girl like her was there, Soohyun’s spirit died down… Maybe it’s a wrong impression on my part but, when I asked him “are you alright?”, I wonder if Soohyun was about to cry because it was painful for him too. Well Soohyun is a person too so of course I think that it’s sad such things happen to him. Even when the handshake event ended, he left the final talk part to Kevin. His body was tired too and plus I was thinking, “what if he received some mental damage?”. Maybe I’m thinking too much into it. But after all he’s the leader so Soohyun spoke at the end but, he said “thank you very much for coming today” and such. Even though something like that happened, he thanked everyone properly. Even though he’s such a wonderful person, I can’t forgive what that girl did, it’s painful, it’s was so painful that I cried again. [I omitted the last 3 paragraphs because she’s only saying how she saw the blonde girl afterwards, doesn’t like her, and things not too related to the event.]” The fanaccount does focus on Soohyun (written by a soostan) but it seems Eli was more annoyed about it than anything (he was ignored all 10 times just like Soohyun), whereas Soohyun was really hurt. And rightfully so, since he works so hard being leader and trying to make everything the best for the fans and he is already really insecure and not a popular member to begin with ;_; All I wanna say is please show Soohyun some love, especially on twitter if you can’t do anything else, and think about this. Like, how much it must hurt to have a fan just walk right by you and ignore you, and plz realize how even if you don’t mean harm by focusing only on your bias, you’re hurting the members who don’t get as much love. Please try to show more love to the less popular members.