4.1.4. Laboratory trials on thermal impact Introduction
Three additional continuous hot rolling trials have been performed to compare the efficiency of the
different cooling technologies and the impact of entry cooling related to thermal evolution of the work
rolls. Trial definition
To look in more detail at the cooling efficiency, special work rolls that have been developed in the past
in the frame of a RFCS project called “Chillub”2 were used during continuous hot rolling trials. These
work rolls contain inserts (made of work roll grades used in the finishing mill) whilst some of the
inserts are equipped with thermocouples sensors at 0.6mm depth. At the sides of the work roll a datalogger can be installed and thus the temperature can be measured and logged during a continuous trial at
high acquisition rate to follow the temperature evolution per rotation. Additionally a surface contact
thermocouple was installed at a fixed position after the exit cooling. The trial setup is shown in the
following images.