جيد وسهل الاستخدام ويمكن تحديثه بشكل افضل خصوصا فيما يخص اقفال التطبيقات التي تعمل ذاتيا بشكل مباشر او من خلال اعطاء اشعارات مباشرة لحظة عملها ... ولكم جزيل الشكر
Good and easy to use and can be updated better especially regarding closing applications running on autopilot directly or by giving direct notices its moment. Thank you
Good, easy to use and can be updated better, especially with regard to self-closing applications that work directly or by giving notices directly to the moment of her work ... Thank you very much
Nice and easy to use and can be updated as better, especially with regard to close running applications directly or through self giving notifications directly to its moment. Thank you very much