Guten Morgen, gestern kam die Ware und wir haben es gleich an die Wand montiert.Heute morgen beim duschen ging nur einer von den beiden Spendern.Mein Mann hat es auch mehrfach versucht,also liegt es nicht an meiner Technik.Wie sollen wir fortfahren?Gruss Koch
Good morningthe goods came in yesterday and we put it right on the wall. This morning in the shower was only one of the two Spendern.Mein man tried it several times, so it's not up to my Technik.Wie we should proceed? Greeting cooking
good morning,yesterday, the goods and we have it right on the wall mounted unit. this morning in the shower was only one of the two donors. my husband has also tried several times, so it"s not my technique. how should we proceed? gruss cook