CASE EXAMPLE: HORNS REV, DENMARKIn Denmark the first long-term studies of fish development after the construction of offshorewind farms have been conducted by the Danish Energy Agency. After the construction of Horns Rev offshore wind farm in 2003 changes and differences in the composition of fish species and abundance has occurred. While 41 species were registered inside Horns Rev, only 30 different species were registered at the reference area outside the wind farm. Moreover, before the construction of the wind farm, fish abundance was usually higher in deeper waters. However, as the abundance of fish inside the wind farm increased,the fish distributions in deeper and shallower water became more similar The fouling communities that colonized the wind turbines and the surrounding scour protection provided good feeding opportunities for a number of foraging fish. For example, pouting (Trisopterus luscus) has been found around the turbines feeding on small crustaceans, and the goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) is known to feed on common mussels, both of which are found in billions inside the wind farms at Horns Rev.Moreover, it has been registered that fish often migrate out of the wind farm into deeper water in search of food during the night, while staying inside the wind farm during the day. Even though the wind farm provides a diverse habitat, this migratory pattern suggests that fish are still dependent on areas outside the wind farm