The effects obtained by applying PEI to the students were measured numerically and statistically evaluated in an Experimental Group (intervened) and in a Control Group (not intervened), to corroborate that, indeed, PEI significantly
improved the students’ behaviors and led them to higher levels in their H&W (Romo-Gonzalez etal., 2013a). The analysis indicated that the level of improvement in each questionnaire was of considerable magnitude and statistically significant,but also that there was a hierarchy or order of
importance for each variable in the Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire, an order led by the Physical Variables, followed by the Mental and Emotional ones, and finally by those relating to Being and Meaning of Existence.
Although PEI improved attitudes in both women and men, it was found that women had better general scores in the five questionnaires before PEI than men but, after PEI, men improved their scores significantly, reaching levels similar to
those of women and ranked the importance of the Response Variables quite similarly (Romo- Gonzalez et al., 2013a).