CT of the chest precontrast axial:from lower neck to adrenal , 5mm/5mm reconstructed HRCT precontrast reformated sagittal and coronal section postcontrast axial:from lower neck to L 5 level , 5mm/5mm postcontrast reformated coronal section:5mm/5mm Findings: right lung apex (srs:3,img: 16 ,3 mm) ground glass opacity :RLL subpleural (srs:3,img: 71) subpleural nodule (srs:3,img: 69 ,7 mm) LNs :No significant enlarged lymph nodes right renal stone,no hydronephrosis normal cardiac size no pleural effusion no space occupying lesion in the liver the bil adrenal gland are normal in appearnace IMP: right lung apex nodule (srs:3,img: 16 ,3 mm) ground glass opacity :RLL subpleural (srs:3,img: 71) subpleural nodule (srs:3,img: 69 ,7 mm) LNs :No significant enlarged lymph nodes right renal stone,no hydronephrosis suggest annual LDCT