Because our records show that the trade(s) you placed on 10/14/2016 were not settled in accordance with securities industry regulations, we are required to restrict trading in your account to the funds you have available. This restriction will stay in place for at least 90 calendar days.
What this means for your account.
This restriction does not prevent you from trading, but does require that you have settled funds1 or securities on hand before placing an order. To determine how much you can trade during this time, please refer to the "Settled Funds Available to Trade" balance, which is displayed when you log in to your account on You can also talk to a Schwab Client Service Specialist at 800-435-4000 to determine exactly how much buying power is available to you.
Important information about trading without sufficient funds.
When we place orders for accounts without sufficient settled funds or securities on deposit, we are required to monitor the account to make sure it complies with these conditions:
You promptly make a full cash payment with settled funds, or deliver previously owned securities into the account within the payment period; and
You do not sell the securities purchased until full payment with settled funds has been made; and
You do not make payment with the proceeds from the sale of other securities made after the trade date.
If these conditions are not met, we are required to withdraw your ability to trade without sufficient funds on deposit. This restriction will last for 90 calendar days.
Your next steps.
If you’d like to learn more about trade settlement or think you have received this notice in error, please call a Schwab Client Service Specialist at 800-435-4000. You can also contact your dedicated service team, if applicable.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
We recognize that trading regulations can be confusing. Once again, please contact us if you have questions. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to serve your trading and investment needs.