Hola somos una empresa exportadora chilena que necesitamos 3000 cajas de embalaje para aguacates, necesitamos valor, costo y flete talcahuano-Chile. PEDRO FERRADA ORTIZ *************** TEMUCO-CHILE
Hello we are a Chilean exporting company that we need 3000 boxes of packing for Avocados, we need value, cost and freight talcahuano-Chile.PEDRO ORTIZ FERRADA ***************TEMUCO-CHILE
Hello we are a Chilean exporter we need 3000 packing boxes for avocados, we need to value, cost and freight talcahuano-Chile. PEDRO ORTIZ FERRADA *************** TEMUCO CHILE
Hello we are a company that we need 3000 Chilean export packaging boxes for avocados need, value, Cost and Freight Talcahuano, Chile.Pedro Ortiz Ferrara* * * * * * *Temuco, Chile