Three layers of soil were sampled a second time with industrial grade reagents. The
effective reagent dosages, which reduced the leachable concentrations of the heavy metals,
are listed in Table 3. The remediation work followed the procedures listed in Table 2. The
stabilization process was carried out in a 6m3 tank; about 3.5m3 soil was placed into the
tank, the predetermined amount of salts and water were added, and the material was mixed
vigorously for 10 min with a backhoe. After the soil had been treated, it was removed with
the backhoe and stockpiled near the site. A 150 g aliquot was withdrawn from each tank
mixture and TCLP analyzed in the laboratory after 30 days. After the TCLP heavy metal
leachable concentrations had met regulatory limits the stockpiled soil was taken back to the
site to grade. Figs. 1–5 show a bar chart with an error bar (S.D.) for five metal leachable
concentrations from the top, middle and bottom layers of the site after 30 days stabilization
with CaCO3 and Ca(H2PO4)2.