A Mid-Range deck is the most normal Arena deck. It is best known for playing minions on-curve throughout the entire match, repeatedly making good trades, and slowly building a large enough card advantage or tempo, depending on your opponent’s reaction, to end the game. Moreso than any other deck, this deck will win out if our opponent misses a drop. Because our opponent will likely have more initiative to shape the board, this deck is at the mercy of our opponent to dictate how the game will progress. The key to success with this deck is to recognize our role relative to our opponent by figuring out what our opponent is giving us. If he gives us tempo, then we use the tempo and push to end the game early. If he gives us value, then we repeatedly trade up on the board and look for card advantage. There is very little room for error here, so this deck type is where gameplay skill in anticipations make the biggest difference between success and failure.
Strong against: Tempo
Weak against: Classic Control