I see! I trust you are attending the trade show in Texas.
In any case thanks for working out the arrangeme nts.
One reason I was trying to fit the arrangements is because I too would be flying to Seattle early next week.
I would get my Shenzhen colleague 华丽 to write to Ms. 练。
Best regards,
Best regards,
James Puk
Shenzhen Machine Vision Photonics Technology Ltd
深圳市 宝安区 西乡镇 宝安大道南侧富通蟠龙居B栋146号
电话:+86 755 2791 5767
电邮 email:" target="_blank">
2016-08-02 3:10 GMT+08:00 Tiffany Ye :
Ok, well noted. 我请求小练作为国内协助。请您另外再次通知小练。
Aside to James,
I’m in TX, USA now and I will ask my colleague Miss 练 to support you.
Hope it works for you and thanks very much.
Best Regards,
Tiffany Ye