In other fall reduction RCTs using dynamic balanceand stepping training, balance improvement also is notclearly linked with fall reduction. Studies included in thepreviously mentioned meta-analysis10 did not report intermediatefunctional mobility outcomes. Two recent studiesembedded balance exercises in a program for at-risk olderadults that included aerobic and walking exercises andstrengthening, coordination, and flexibility training. Theseexercises were performed twice weekly, 1 hour per session,over a 12-month period in retirement care villages28 or onceweekly with a home program in a community setting.29Compared with controls (either seated flexibility or nointervention), exercise group fall risk was reduced 22%28and 40%.29 The main functional improvements at 6months were in postural sway and stepping reaction time,a measure that relates directly to the present study. In otherRCTs more focused on balance training, composite functionalbalance measures improved after 10 weeks of balancestrategy22 or 25 weeks of agility training,30 although theimprovements in the latter study were seen at 13 weeks.