“Of course. I wouldn’t mind. Though if you’re just watching, you’ll just see me frowning a great deal and looking irritated,” Elsa chuckled. Anna only smiled and turned to face Elsa when they arrived at the door of the Queen’s chambers. “You’re pretty even when you look grumpy.” Elsa stilled. Anna thought she was pretty? The queen felt abruptly awkward standing there before Anna with Elsa’s coat and vest over her arm. She wondered if Anna thought she was pretty, even when she was wearing men’s clothes. “Do you prefer it?” Elsa asked. “Me in masculine clothes, that is,” she added when a confused look passed over Anna’s face. Anna’s answer suddenly seemed to matter a great deal and Elsa waited anxiously, trying to keep her hands still and not fiddling with her coat. “Do you?” Anna asked with a small smile. “Do you like wearing masculine clothes, Elsa?” Elsa couldn’t quite meet Anna’s gaze. What was wrong with her? “I… don’t mind them,” she finally said. “I could learn to like them, but I’m used to dresses. I suppose what I’m getting at is… would you prefer that I wear men’s clothes more often?” Anna’s eyes widened in surprise. “Well, ah…shouldn’t that be your decision? I admit, you do look very good in a suit, though.” Anna glanced at Elsa’s folded coat. “And lapels are wonderful things,” she murmured absentmindedly. The queen frowned. “I beg your pardon?” Anna waved a hand. “Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself.” Anna grinned. “I think you’re appealing in both male and female clothes. But you’re most definitely a woman, Elsa. I guess you’ll have to accept that as an answer because your clothes should be your choice, shouldn’t they?” It felt like a weight had been lifted off Elsa’s chest and she let out a surprised laugh. “Yes, I suppose so. I’ll just surprise you, then, won’t I?” Anna hummed in affirmation. She looked up expectantly, her lips still quirked in a smile. Elsa bent down and kissed her wife. Her wife. The words still felt warm inside her. Elsa didn’t think she’d ever get tired of them. Anna hummed with pleasure, a hand coming up to grasp a handful of Elsa’s shirt front to hold the queen in place. Their lips lingered sweetly together, with just a hint of heat. It felt like a promise and warmed Elsa to her toes. No, she would not think about the clause or the future, she thought stubbornly. The moment was theirs alone, and Elsa would enjoy it for exactly what it was. “Good night,” Elsa murmured once they parted. Anna gave her a sidelong look that was clearly meant to be inviting, but Elsa only smiled and waited for the door to close after her. The queen brushed her hand over the panel fondly, then walked to her room. She had a feeling she would sleep well and, for once, didn’t allow her worries to intrude.