a door open and a voice say, “Who is it?”
Melissa almost fainted in relief. It was a woman’s
voice. “It’s me,” Melissa said. “I’m down here. I’m
tied up. Someone ... kidnapped me. Help, please!”
She heard more footsteps, heavy ones, and the woman
say “oh my god.” Then the woman was standing over
her. Melissa could tell by the proximity of her voice.
“Are you all right?”
Melissa ignored the ques-
tion. “Untie me,, please!”
she begged.
“Of course, of course,”
said the woman,, and then
Melissa felt her strong, fat
fingers tearing at the tape
around her ankles.
“My hands...,” the redhead
“Of course, of course,” the
woman repeated, still tear-
ing at the tape around her
legs, and making quick
work of it. With strong,
certain movements, the
woman tore and ripped the
tape off Melissa’s ankles.
By making one tear across
the back of the tape cinch-
ing her thighs, Melissa’s
legs were completely free.
The woman sat the girl up.
“I can’t see,” Melissa said.
“You were making quite
a racket,” the woman
said quickly over her. “I
thought it might be a cat or
a siren, but then I heard the
words ....”
“Yes, yes,” Melissa gasped.
“I can’t feel my hands....”
“Don’t worry,” said the woman. “We’ll take care of
that.” Then she was sitting beside the girl.
“What are you ....?” Melissa started, but that was as
far as she got. That was when the woman started grab-
bing handfuls of her hair and plunging bobby pins
along the back of her head.
“What, what, ow!” Melissa cried, her head down, her
hair being affixed on the top of her head, Then the
tape was ripped entirely off her mouth. And some-
thing else was plunged in.
Melissa’s new cry of pain was cut off by the shaped
plastic prod that went between her teeth. She bit
down, but it was too late. The prod was all the way
in, a padded leather band crushing her lips. Then she
felt straps tighten at the back of her neck, unobstruct-
ed by her long hair. The prod gag was cinched so
tightly that it felt as if she had been born with it in her
“Feel that, dear?” the woman said as she pulled out
the bobby pins, letting the red hair fall back across her
shoulders. “Recognize the shape?”
Melissa screamed again, her head going back, the
sound once again muffled, twisted, and obstructed.
Yes, she did recognize the shape as her tongue went