00:06:06,400 --> 00:06:12,255
here in order to restore the stars here on his (UNKNOWN) to their original values.
00:06:12,255 --> 00:06:16,350
And I can continue blocking the effect in certain areas as needed in order to
00:06:16,350 --> 00:06:22,770
retain maximum sharpness in the areas of the photo that are most important.
00:06:22,770 --> 00:06:25,897
I'll go ahead and turn off that Background Copy layer and turn it back on
00:06:25,897 --> 00:06:29,236
again and you can see that quite a few of those dust spots, especially when it
00:06:29,236 --> 00:06:34,806
comes to the jacket have been eliminated. I'll turn that layer back on, and off,
00:06:34,806 --> 00:06:38,390
and you can see the jacket is looking much, much better.
00:06:38,390 --> 00:06:41,240
So still a few areas I would need to clean up in the background, I would
00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:45,200
certainly want to crop away this outer boarder as well.
00:06:45,200 --> 00:06:47,855
But as you can see that Dust and Scratches filter, has really made quick
00:06:47,855 --> 00:06:52,070
work of what would have otherwise been a little bit of a challenge.
00:06:52,070 --> 00:06:56,300
In order to help stay organized, I'm also going to rename that Background Copy layer.
00:06:56,300 --> 00:06:59,777
I'll double-click on the name of the layer and then I'll type Dust and
00:06:59,777 --> 00:07:03,376
Scratches, since I use the Dust in Scratches filter in order to clean up
00:07:03,376 --> 00:07:07,922
that layer. So, a great amount of progress with very
00:07:07,922 --> 00:07:11,680
little effort. Thanks to the Dustin Scratches filter
9000:06:06,400 --> 00:06:12,255here in order to restore the stars here on his (UNKNOWN) to their original values.9100:06:12,255 --> 00:06:16,350And I can continue blocking the effect in certain areas as needed in order to9200:06:16,350 --> 00:06:22,770retain maximum sharpness in the areas of the photo that are most important.9300:06:22,770 --> 00:06:25,897I'll go ahead and turn off that Background Copy layer and turn it back on9400:06:25,897 --> 00:06:29,236again and you can see that quite a few of those dust spots, especially when it9500:06:29,236 --> 00:06:34,806comes to the jacket have been eliminated. I'll turn that layer back on, and off,9600:06:34,806 --> 00:06:38,390and you can see the jacket is looking much, much better.9700:06:38,390 --> 00:06:41,240So still a few areas I would need to clean up in the background, I would9800:06:41,240 --> 00:06:45,200certainly want to crop away this outer boarder as well.9900:06:45,200 --> 00:06:47,855But as you can see that Dust and Scratches filter, has really made quick10000:06:47,855 --> 00:06:52,070work of what would have otherwise been a little bit of a challenge.10100:06:52,070 --> 00:06:56,300In order to help stay organized, I'm also going to rename that Background Copy layer.10200:06:56,300 --> 00:06:59,777I'll double-click on the name of the layer and then I'll type Dust and10300:06:59,777 --> 00:07:03,376划痕,因为灰尘在划痕滤镜以清理使用10400:07:03,376--> 00:07:07,922该图层。这样,大量的进展非常10500:07:07,922--> 00:07:11,680小小的努力。感谢达斯汀划痕滤镜