Although it is less often read than such Wells' novelsas The War of th的中文翻譯

Although it is less often read than

Although it is less often read than such Wells' novelsas The War of the Worlds,the basic
story of The Island o fDr Moreau is very well known through several extremelyloose film
adaptations (改编 ). Prendick, aBritishscientist,has an accident at sea and by chance finds
himself on amysterious island where Dr Moreau and his assistant Montgomery are engaged
in strange experiments of turninganimals into humans.
     Wells was a social reformer,and his novels reflect(反映) his thoughts and theories about
human society. Much of  Wells'writing concerns ( either directly or indirectly) socialclass,
but Moreau deals with the then-newly advanced theoryof evolution (进化)-and then works
to relate how that theory influences man' s belief in God. Wells sometimes mentioned this in
his novels,but nowhere in his work i.s this line of thought more clearly and specifically seen
than here.
     Sometimes Wells tries to influence his readers strongly, while on other occasions,he does
it gently. But in The Island of Dr Moreau,Wells achieves a perfect balance of the twoextremes.
It is an impressive achievement,and in this sense I consider Moreau possibly the best of
Wells' works. The novel is as interesting for the story it tells as it is for its themes that are still
very important today.
     Moreau is not as horrific as Wells' many other novels--- he often included horror and
cruelty in his science fiction. Still,this is not a book that you can read and then put away: it
stays in your mind in a most disturbing way. Stronglyrecommended.
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虽然它不经常读比这种井的 novelsas 世界,基本的战争故事岛 o 罗斯福莫罗是通过几个 extremelyloose 电影很出名适应 (改编)。Prendick,aBritishscientist,有一次事故,在海上和由机会发现自己种神秘岛莫罗博士和他的助手蒙哥马利正在上在奇怪实验中 turninganimals 进入人体。井对他的思想和理论是一个社会的改革者和他的小说 reflect(反映)人类社会。Wells'writing 大量涉及 (直接或间接) socialclass,但莫罗处理然后新先进的进化论 (进化)-然后联系这一理论是如何影响人 ' s 对上帝的信仰。威尔斯有时提及在这他的小说,却没地方在他工作 i.s 这条线的思想更明确而具体见比这里。有时井试图影响他的读者强烈,而在其他场合,他做的它轻轻地。但博士莫岛的井达到 twoextremes 的完美平衡。它是一个令人印象深刻的成就,和在这个意义上说我考虑莫罗可能是最好的威尔斯的作品。这部小说是一样有趣,因为它是因其主题的故事,还有非常重要的今天。莫罗不是可怕的威尔斯许多其他小说 — — — 他经常包括恐怖和在他的科幻小说中的残酷。不过,这不是一本书,你可以阅读,然后收起: 它留在你脑海里最令人不安的方式。Stronglyrecommended。
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他的思想和理论。多关注 wells'writing(直接或间接)阶级,
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