When your card is locked and you wish to continue to make cash withdrawals, as all of the previous transactions are genuinely authorized, you can log into your BCEL One to unlock it yourself, or call BCEL Card Center for assistance at +856-21-262935.
Afterwards, you will be able to use your card to withdraw cash based on the daily withdrawal limits of your card type (Please note, this is applicable on the day that the card is unlocked only, the fraud monitoring program will resume on a day after).
Money Transfer Fee via BCEL One
No. Transfer Amount Fee
For source LAK, destination USD or THB
1 This month's accumulation no more than 5,000,000 LAK* Free
2 Any amount exceed 5,000,000 LAK* accumulation of the month 4%/trn*
For all sources and all destinations
Except as mentioned above
3 Less than 10,000,000 LAK and this month's accumulation is less than 10,000,000 LAK Free
4 Less than 10,000,000 LAK and this month's accumulation is greater than or equal to 10,000,000 LAK 1,000 LAK/trn
5 10,000,000 LAK to 20,000,000 LAK 2,000 LAK/trn
6 20,000,001 LAK to 30,000,000 LAK 3,000 LAK/trn
7 30,000,001 LAK to 40,000,000 LAK 4,000 LAK/trn
8 40,000,001 LAK to 50,000,000 LAK 5,000 LAK/trn
9 Greater than or equal 50,000,001 LAK 6,000 LAK/trn
当您的卡被锁定,您希望继续现金提款,所有以前的事务都是真正的授权时,您可以登录到您 BCEL 一个解锁它自己,或 BCEL 卡中心呼吁援助在 + 856-21-262935。之后,您将能够使用您的卡提取现金基于您的卡类型撤出跌停 (请注意,这是适用上的那一天卡解锁只,欺诈监测程序将在一天后恢复)。0409/2015通过 BCEL 一收取汇款手续费哈哈转会费金额为源 LAK,目的地美元或 THB1 这个月的积累不超过 5,000,000 LAK * 免费2 任何金额超过 5,000,000 LAK * 积累的月 4%/trn*所有来源和所有目的地除了上文所述3 小于 10000000 lak 细胞和这个月的积累是低于 1 000 万 LAK 免费4 小于 10000000 lak 细胞和这个月的积累是大于或等于 10000000 LAK 1,000 LAK/trn5 10000000 到 20,000,000 LAK 2,000 LAK/trn LAK6 20,000,001 到 30,000,000 LAK 3,000 LAK/trn LAK7 30,000,001 到 40,000,000 LAK 4,000 LAK/trn LAK8 40,000,001 到 50000000 LAK 5,000 LAK/trn LAK9 大于或等于 50,000,001 LAK 6,000 LAK/trn