As Mathwick et al. (2001) noted, experiential value should embrace more than extrinsicvalue that mainly derived from utilitarian benefits but also intrinsic value that related to funand playfulness offered by an experience. Perceived experiential value may be moreappropriate used to see how both cognitive and emotional mechanisms mediate between theexternal stimulus of a store and consumers’ behavioral intention. Therefore, following theexperiential modules proposed by Schmitt (1999), we define the experiential value as theutilitarian and the hedonic value perceived by customers via sensing, feeling, thinking, acting,and relating. A sense experience is designed by stimulating and pleasing perceptions receivedthrough seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. A feel experience, composed ofpositive or negative emotions, can be sophisticated and have consumers immersed in a certainsituation. A thought experience can inspire consumers to think in a creative way and therebyspark their imagination. An act experience requires consumers’ physical participation andinteraction with a brand and even other customers. A relational experience creates a sense ofconsumer belonging and identification in society. Thus, this study therefore inferred thatH4: Perceived service quality is positively related to perceived experiential value.Like perceived service quality, perceived merchandise quality refers to the subj