1. Our past business dealings have always been satisfactory.2. Whenever we have had a problem, you have shown great understanding.3. When we agreed to this transaction, we had high hopes.4. We know that this problem will not interfere with our successful cooperation.5. We hope that this problem will not interfere with our cooperation. 6. Clearly, the responsibility for this problem does not lie with us.7. We understand that this kind of thing happens.8. I still have confidence that you will live up to your company’s tradition of special attention for the customer.9. At this time, we would like to receive a full explanation of why these products do not match the samples.10. We can attempt to sell the products, as they are, at a reduced price, or you can have the goods returned to you.11. Although you cannot control the weather, we hope that the burden can be shared by both of our companies.12. The cost of storage is over $5,000.13. We can take responsibility for these costs.14. The cost of the original shipment must be adjusted to reflect the actual quality of the products.15. What we would suggest is that the missing goods be included in the next shipment, in June, and our account be credited for the proper amount.16. There is little doubt that our future business dealings with your company are now in question.17. We hope that the future will not bring any more surprises.18. It is very reasonable to ask that you replace the television with a new one, since it appears that no amount of repairs will ever completely fix it.19. This matter can be quickly cleared up by simply giving us an explanation and an apology.20. All we ask is that you take a moment to look into this problem.21. Our account should be credited for the full amount of the last shipment.22. Although we would like to see some type of refund, it is important you find the causes of this accident