ACKNOWLEDGE CONTROL group:DATA COLL HRDCPY switch-indicator (white): comes on when ACK STARTS DATACOLL – MEDIA OK? alert is acknowledged and internal data collection starts. During TACIcan be used to start/stop external data collection.DATA COLL switch-indicator (white): comes on when ACK STARTS DATA COLL -MEDIA OK? alert is acknowledged and internal data collection starts. All data collectionmedia will be determined to be full after four hours of recording at which time, the datacollection shut-off process will begin, situation permitting. The DATA COLL switch will beturned off and disabled from the time that the auto termination process is started until datacollection starts to overwrite the existing EDR media or the detection of new EDR mediaincluding the receipt of EDR status messages ensuring a valid start-up. A one minute waittime will also follow the restart of new media in order to prevent the operator frommistakenly turning off data collection. Any operator attempts to use the DATA COLL switchduring this time frame will result in the display of the INPUT REJECT message. The DATACOLL switch will always reflect the current state of system data recording and can be set toON/OFF to manually start/stop internal data collection.ALERT ACK switch: acknowledges and erases alerts displayed. Also causes automatictarget hooking for certain alerts.