It's definitely possible for you to stay in The Netherlands~
If you want to stay longer than 3 months, you will need 2 things:
If. Residence permit (document)
2. Authorization for temporary stay (also a document, in Dutch it's called ''MVV'')
But before you can apply a request for these documents..
You need to complete (the civic integration examination).. T.T
Not everyone who comes to The Netherlands has to do this..
But because you have to request for 2 documents and because you are 18 years old, you have to do the integration examination T.T
But don't worry! I think it's easy..
My country's national website (for integration information) says that I can buy a self-study package for you (completely offered in Chinese)~
This way, you can learn a little bit of Dutch and learn a little bit about the exam..
I think it shouldn't be difficult~
However, there are costs connected to the examination..
You have to pay 12922 NT$.. T.T
But don't worry about these costs, I can also help you~
Then, when you have completed the civil integration examination succesfully.. you can apply for (an authorization for temporary stay).
And, at last.. when you have obtained the authorization for temporary stay..
You can get a residence permit~
So, to summarize it..
For your future stay you will need:
1. Complete the Dutchcivil integration examination
2. an authorization for temporary stay
3. residence permit
Once you have done all of this..
You are free to stay in The Netherlands with me~
However, there is one condition.. I need to be 21 years old..
Because I am the one who is bringing you to The Netherlands, and I am responsible for you.. T.T
The main person who is responsible for bringing somebody to their country is called a (referent)
So, I would be your referent..
But I have to be 21 years old @.@
I can't ask my mother or father to be your referent..
Because there is another condition: The person has to be unwedded..
So, you will have to wait until I'm 21 years old if you want to stay in The Netherlands for more than 3 months..