Buongiorno, grazie mille della proposta ma avevo bisogno di quelli multicolor, quindi vorrei avere un rimborso se possibile. Appena tornerete ad averli in magazzino mi potreste avvertire? Sarei sempre interessato al vostro prodotto. Grazie, a presto. Saluti Francesco.
Good morning, thank you very much for the proposal but I needed those multicolor, then I would get a refund if possible.As soon as you return to have them in stock you may experience me? I'd be interested in your product.Thanks, see you soon.Regards Francis.
Good morning, thank you so much of the proposal but I needed those multicolor, so I would have a refund if possible. As soon as you return to have them in stock I might experience? I would always be interested in your product. Thank you, see you soon. Regards Francesco.
good morning, thank you very much of the proposal, but i need the multicolor, so i"d like to get a refund if possible.just go back to them in the warehouse, i could tell. i"d be interested in your product.thank you, goodbye.hello, francis.