The maternal environment effect variance component estimate is 1.59, the maternal genetic effect variance component is 1.444, and the direct genetic effect variance is 0.104. You will notice something strange about this result: the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects is -1.502, which is out of theoretical bounds for a correlation coefficient. This can occur if we do not constrain the unstructured variance-covariance matrix for these two effects (we used the !GUUU qualifier on the model term). If we try to constrain the model in this case, it does not converge. This result suggests that we do not have a reliable estimate of one or more of the
variance-covariance terms in this model. Notice that the direct genetic effect variance is close to zero (and is smaller than its standard error). If a variance component really is zero, it cannot have a covariance with any other term. So, the trouble is probably occurring because this direct genetic variance component is approaching zero. We could simplify the model by dropping the direct genetic effects and compare the AIC values of the reduced model to this one to see if the reduced model could be accepted.
The maternal environment effect variance component estimate is 1.59, the maternal genetic effect variance component is 1.444, and the direct genetic effect variance is 0.104. You will notice something strange about this result: the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects is -1.502, which is out of theoretical bounds for a correlation coefficient. This can occur if we do not constrain the unstructured variance-covariance matrix for these two effects (we used the !GUUU qualifier on the model term). If we try to constrain the model in this case, it does not converge. This result suggests that we do not have a reliable estimate of one or more of the
variance-covariance terms in this model. Notice that the direct genetic effect variance is close to zero (and is smaller than its standard error). If a variance component really is zero, it cannot have a covariance with any other term. So, the trouble is probably occurring because this direct genetic variance component is approaching zero. We could simplify the model by dropping the direct genetic effects and compare the AIC values of the reduced model to this one to see if the reduced model could be accepted.