A total of 33 patients were admitted with the diagnosis of Crohn disease and intra-abdominal abscess over the study period. Of these, 13 patients (39.4%) were treated with appropriate antibiotics alone and 20 patients (60.6%) were treated with interventional therapy (antibiotics and percutaneous drainage or surgery). Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the treatment groups (age range, abscess size, and antibiotic duration). The age ranges between the treatment groups were very similar, with a mean age of 33 in the medical group and 31 in the interventional group. Average abscess size was smaller for the medical treatment group (3.2 cm) compared with the interventional treatment group (5.9 cm). The mean antibiotic duration was similar between the groups, with a mean of 58 days in the medical group and 59 days in the interventional group. Given the right skew in the distribution of the antibiotic duration variable, a median value was also calculated which resulted in a smaller number of antibiotic days in the medical treatment group (28 days) compared with the interventional treatment group (42 days).