familiness in their situation, we can bring significantfocus to the dialogue and move them along the mindset and methods congruence path. Exhibit 18.9 is their familiness resource and capabilities continuum as it relates to the new ventureopportunity. When you see the f 1 f 2 assessment, itis a comprehensive and revealing picture of their individual and organizational contribution to the newventure. But it is not only the final picture that is useful to families. The conversation to identify the resources and capabilities and to determine where theyshould be placed is the real learning outcome. First, you will notice that there are clear resourcesand capabilities specifically associated with the seniorand successor generations and others that are mixed.While Toby’s successor drive is an f 1 , his business capabilities and lack of experience are an f 2 . Sabinereadily admits that without Toby’s drive she wouldnever consider this opportunity. But Sabine’s advisorsare concerned that Toby may overestimate his capabilities and contribution. This discussion is very naturalin next-generation entrepreneurship, and familiesshould “normalize” it and not allow it to become personal. Conversely, Sabine’s senior capabilities, business