



= (1)
x=x'- vt y=y' z=z' t=t' (3)
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Einstein (A.Einstein) theory of relativity where wrong(Relativity Research Association wushuiqing Chairman of the academic Committee of Beijing answer questions)First, the special theory of relativityPublished by Albert Einstein in 1919, entitled "my theory" article, on the special theory of relativity is expressed as: [Xu, compiled by Fan Dainian Einstein anthology first volume, commercial press, Beijing, 1976,110-111] the coordinates of an inertial motion is also an inertial system. So-called special relativity means that the generalization of the definition, including both events, so that the ordinary laws of nature who coordinates c effective, for a uniformly relative to c C' must be the same effective translational coordinates.Special relativity is based on the second principle is the "principle of light in a vacuum". This principle asserts: there is always a definite propagation velocity in a vacuum (has nothing to do with the State of motion of the observer or the light source).From this: special relativity is in the inertial frame is an objective reality, and affirmative action on the physical concept of equivalence, in the sense of motion and movement of light equivalent to inertial motion of objects and the relativity principle of mechanics to promote the principle of special relativity theory.In Newtonian mechanics, the geometry of space is in Euclid (Euclid) geometrical point, point location is in Descartes (R.Descartes) the straight-line distance to determine the rectangular coordinate system. In motion is the concept of spatial position sense over time, the fast and slow of movement and size is used to measure speed and rate of, so the speed definition for = (1)So speed is a time interval t tends to zero, the ultimate sense of speed, speed with size also has a direction, velocity is called speed.If the horizontal axis in the x, t represents the abscissa axis of the Cartesian coordinate system, body in motion from time T1 to T2, from coordinates X1 to the location of the object definition of average speed v X2 average formula is: (2)Therefore, the average values are the curved motion of objects using lines from X1 to X2 represent the slope of the secant line. Instantaneous velocity is the value of the slope of the tangent line at x1. If the slope of the secant line equal to the slope of the tangent line, which coincides in the sense of instantaneous velocity is the speed limit State, objects do is in any State of the spatial interval, the interval is constant motion. In the inertia of the mass of the object is an object in order to maintain the original state of static or motion does not change, state change on the significance of the nature of the resistance movement, motion is inertial motion. Geometry properties of the coordinate system at the point, is called inertial system, in the sense of inertia equivalent to stationary, inertial frame is to describe the motion of reference system.Through the mutual motion in two coordinates k, K' gamma Rilho (G.Galileo) coordinate transformation equations: x=x'- vt y=y' z=z' t=t' (3)Mathematical analysis of the evidence [Jiang Zhifang, Deng Xingjun transmission system of the theory of relativity, Beijing, chemical industry press, 2013.7,42-43]: in any inertial frame with a sense of space and time points and intervals are the same the same absolute nature, relative velocity is the same and equal to zero. So on the one hand show the equivalent of static and dynamic coordinate system, is not static and dynamic State, does not have a relative in nature. In descriptions of the movement must be stationary relative to the frame of reference to make sense, regardless of the static and dynamic State does not have the opposite conclusion is not consistent with State must strictly distinguish between static and dynamic nature of motion relativity. This is caused by the inertia of the absolute space and time brought about by the equality equivalence, which is the key to today's problems in the theory of physics.Affirmative equivalence of inertial frame is based does not exist under absolute rest frame of reference can be established. Because if absolute rest frame exists, use it to check in different sports in different States of inertial speed differences were detected. Is not an equivalent of affirmative nature. In the reference system is the nature of the spatial and temporal nature of sense, the absolute nature of time, space and absolute rest frame of reference must exist, this is contradictory and, therefore, absolute rest frame of reference if there is a problem, is based on absolute space-time inertial system, based on the key problem of whether the laws of Newtonian mechanics? Michelson 1881-1887 (A.A.Michelson) and Morley (E.W.Morley) famous light interference experiment is repeated, the results proved to be absolutely stationary coordinate system does not exist. As evidenced by the existence of absolute space and time coordinates are not. So how can Newton's laws reflect the physical reality of the objective world. This is the inertial frame is an objective reality, to promote equivalence of inertial affirmative definition by as one of the untenable principle of special relativity.In the inertial frame is the frame of reference of sense, affirmative equivalence of inertial systems will inevitably bring about describes the motion of objects, where you can select the reference system is the physical meaning of conclusion. Problem is, reference frames can be arbitrary choice? Through the following examples can be the answer to this question.Still see on the platform when the train loads when on the train stationary object the observer stationary relative to its own status as acceleration of the reference system v-0=v speed change. Still see from the train on the platform rests on the observation in 0-v=-v speed change in the opposite direction of movement. And as has a and ground Shang still of observation who a, of sight parallel of turned disc, in a, seems due to and static friction flat constant in turned disc Shang still of observation who b, in made acceleration and displacement into is proportional to the but direction instead of simple harmonic motion, also, with b to observation a, also in made acceleration and displacement into is proportional to the but direction instead of simple harmonic motion, just both of movement direction instead just. Observed since the rest why is its acceleration, this is contradicts the Newton. Or in a non-inertial frame of reference of Newton's laws are not valid. In other words, to explore with its inertial frame of reference of static or motion coordinate is also an inertial sense, conclusions can choose any frame of reference can be set up. That is why the special theory of relativity cannot be established a second reason.Means can choose any frame of reference describes the motion of objects can be established in any other frame of reference of an object based on the reference system is the nature of the nature of temporal and spatial sense, brought on by affirmative equivalence of inertial frames any matter and space-time reference system will certainly result in movement separate from each other, not in conformity with the law of causality scientific consequences. So how can get physical laws reflect the nature of physical reality. This is the special theory of relativity is not justified because of the three.Inertia shows that is equivalent to inertial motion and stillness, in the inertial system equivalent to the affirmative sense, stillness and movement status is not, there is no movement relative. In the nature of spacetime has absolute sense, inertial motion is equivalent to the absolute rest. Therefore, either stationary or moving objects, and absolute rest as describing the motion of an object reference results obtained are relative velocity is equal to zero, movement does not exist. Earlier examples also show in a non-inertial coordinate system as the reference frame acceleration of Newton's laws can be set up when, so exactly what substances are used as to describe the motion of frames of reference to describe motion in Newton's theory of relativity big questions?Human long-term of practice experience showed that, objects movement of description will with reference Department select of different and different, as like from tree Shang vertical whereabouts of fruit, in ground Shang of observation who see, fruit made of is line movement, but in movement of car box in the of observation who see, fruit made of is not line movement but curve movement, and as in elevator box of sewing hole in the, scored together light, in elevator still Shi, elevator in of observation who see of light
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
"Einstein (A.Einstein) theory of relativity wrong"
(a Beijing relativity research association academic committee chairman Wu Shuiqing's question, the special theory of relativity)

Einstein published in 1919 entitled "my theory" in this paper, the special theory of relativity is expressed as: [Xu Liangying, Fan Dainian compiled "the collected works of Einstein", Vol. I, Beijing University Press, 1976110-111] a uniform motion in a straight line to the inertial coordinate system is also an inertial system. The so-called special relativity means to generalize this definition, thus including either event, such,All effective to coordinate C the nature of the common law, for a uniform translational motion relative to the C coordinates of the C 'must also equally effective.
the special theory of relativity is based on the second principles are "the principle of the constant speed of light in vacuum". The principle of light in a vacuum asserted: there is always a certain propagation velocity (irrelevant motion state observer or the same source).
thus: the special theory of relativity in the inertial system is the objective existence, and has the physical concept of equality equivalence, light, movement and an object in motion in a straight line inertia movement sense equivalent, the relativity principle of mechanics theory of generalized narrow principle of relativity.
geometric property of space in Newtonian mechanics is Euclidean (Euclid) geometry point representation, the location of the point is to use Descartes (R.Descartes) linear distance of Cartesian coordinate system to determine the. In the sports concept is the meaning of space position with time, moving fast, slow and size is used to measure the speed and rate, so the definition formula of velocity for

= (1)
thus speed is the interval of time delta t tends to zero, the state speed limit on the significance of the size, speed also has direction, size is called the rate of speed.
if indicated by x abscissa axis, t said the abscissa axis Cartesian coordinates,The object from the motion of T1 time to T2, the position of the object from the coordinates of X1 movement to the x2 test defined type average speed average for V (2):

therefore, numerical average velocity is slope object curvilinear motion with X1 to x2 line to represent the secant. Numerical instantaneous velocity is X1 in the slope tangent. If the slope and the slope of the tangent secant equal, two coincide in the instantaneous speed is the limit state of speed sense, objects do is uniform linear motion, the motion state of the space interval in any time interval is constant. In object mass inertia is the object in order to remain at rest or in the original state of constant movement,The ability to change the state of motion resistance properties of sense, uniform linear motion is inertial motion. Represented by the geometric properties of space coordinates, is called the inertial system, in the inertial and static equivalent sense, inertial reference system is the description of motion.
author of two mutually uniform rectilinear motion coordinate K, K 's Galileo (G.Galileo) coordinate transformation equation:
x=x - vt' z=z 'y=y' t=t '(3)
mathematical analysis proves that [Jiang Zhifang, Deng Xingjun "theory of relativity" transmission system of Beijing Chemical Industry Press, 2013.7, 42-43]:In any inertial system by using point and interval of the sense of space and time is the same constant absolute nature, the relative velocity is the same and equal to zero. So on the one hand, show the moving coordinate system are equivalent, is static, dynamic state is not divided, does not have the relativity. Must be in the motion description have carried out in the frame of reference to the relative static sense, the static, dynamic state not relative conclusions are not consistent with the static, dynamic state must be strictly distinguish with the natural law of the relative motion. Bring the equality equivalence of the reason of this result is an inertial frame by the absolute space-time,This is the key to today's physics based on theoretical problems in. Equality equivalence
inertial system is the ability to not exist absolute rest reference system established under the circumstances of the. Because if there is absolute rest reference system, inertial system used to detect different motion state is different at different velocity can be detected. Nature has no equivalent of affirmative action. Properties in the frame of reference is the spatiotemporal nature of meaning, reference system absolute, empty and require absolute stillness must exist, this is contradictory, therefore, absolute rest reference system problems,The key problem is the Newton's mechanics laws established in absolute space-time inertial system based on whether to set up? 1881-1887 Michelson (A.A.Michelson) and Mo Lei (E.W.Morley) repeatedly intervened famous experiment results prove that the light, absolute coordinate system is not exist. That is proof of absolute space and time coordinates do not exist. Therefore, Newton's law can reflect the objective real physical world. This is in the inertial system is the objective existence, the definition of the equivalence of the inertial system equal promotion one of the reasons for the special theory of relativity principle cannot be established.
in the inertial reference system sense,Equality equivalence of inertial system will inevitably bring about describing the motion of objects, can be arbitrary reference frame selection are physically meaningful conclusions. The question is, whether the reference system can be arbitrarily chosen? Get this problem by the following examples can answer.
stationary on the platform the observer sees when the train movement in force, still on the train on the observer to make changes in the speed of the relative static state object itself as a reference system for the accelerated motion v-0=v. Still on the train on the observer sees a stationary observer on the platform to speed changes to 0-v=-v to reverse the direction of the deceleration motion.And as a rotating disk parallel to a stationary and the ground observer A sight, in the view of A due to the static friction force balanced on the rotary disk stationary observer B, in the acceleration and displacement is proportional to the direction opposite but simple harmonic motion, also, used B to observe A in acceleration but the direction and displacement is proportional to the harmonic motion of the opposite direction of movement of the two, only the opposite. The observer since static why again with acceleration, which is in contradiction with Newton's law. Or in non inertial reference system for the Newton's law is not valid. That is to say,In the inertial coordinate system as the reference system to study and it is static or uniform rectilinear motion coordinate system is also an inertial system sense, can be arbitrary reference frame selection conclusion is untenable. This is the special theory of relativity cannot be established causes of two.
can be arbitrary reference frame selection means can describe the motion of objects on which other any other objects based on the nature of the frame of reference, in the frame of reference is the meaning, nature, arbitrary brought by the equality equivalence of inertial system: the choice of the reference system will cause and the motion of matter and space time interaction from the serious consequences, not in conformity with the law of causality scientifically.The laws of physics that get how can reflect the nature of physical reality. This is the theory of relativity untenable reason of narrow sense three.
the law of inertia shows, inertial motion and stillness is equivalent, in the inertial affirmative equivalent sense, stillness and motion state is not, there is no relative motion. Has the absolute property in temporal and spatial sense, inertial motion is equivalent to the absolute static. Therefore, whether static or do uniform motion of the object and using the absolute static objects as describing the motion of an object reference results obtained is the relative velocity is equal to zero, the movement does not exist.The previous example also shows that with the acceleration of the non inertial coordinate system as the reference system when Newton's law can be set up, so, what matter to describe the motion of an object as the reference system has become a major problem of describing the relative motion theory of Newton?
the long-term experience of human shows that, the description of movement of objects will be with the reference frame selection is different, such as a vertical drop of fruit from the trees, on the ground of the observer, fruit for linear motion, but the motion of the trunk, the observer, fruit for are not straight movement but curve movement, such as in slot in the elevator box,Shoot a ray of light, in the elevator when stationary, the elevator observers see the light
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