Cher xavier,
La tige de raccordement vous est envoyée gratuitement, mais vous nous payez les frais de transport, c'est OK?
Ou est-ce possible que vous achetez la bielle dans le marché local? Et dans l'ordre suivant, nous vous remboursons le montant de 11 dollars américains. Ou dans l'ordre suivant, nous envoyons la bielle gratuitement.
Je serai à votre service pour toute question que vous avez.
Merci et meilleures salutations,
Dear xavier,The connecting rod is sent to you for free, but you pay us the costs of transport, it's OK?Or is it possible that you buy the crank in the local market? And in the following order, we will refund the amount of US $ 11. Or in the following order, we send the rod free.I'll be at your service for any questions you have.Thank you and best regards,
Dear Xavier,
the connecting rod is sent free, but you pay us the cost of transportation, it's OK?
Or is it possible that you buy the rod in the local market? And in the following order, we will refund the amount of US $ 11. Or in the following order, we send the link free.
I will be at your service for any questions you have.
Thanks and best regards,