Give a compliment to another member of your choosing.Nayeon: "I want to complement Chaeyoung for her spirit and perseverance. She is never scared of new or unfamiliar things; instead she accepts the challenge. It is really awesome to see this side of her, and I want to learn how to be more brave like her.Jeongyeon: "Tzuyu is the purest person I have ever met in all my 24 years. She is also the prettiest person."Momo: "Nayeon always makes me laugh, and she is so funny when we are together. She is older than me, and she really is like an older sister. She cares about me a lot, and always gives me advice on my problems. She is an awesome sister!"Sana: "Jeongyeon is so funny, and being with her is awesome. She also has such a warm heart and I always feel so comfortable when I'm around her."Jihyo: "It’s the little things with Momo. Whenever she goes home to Japan, she always comes back with little presents for everyone. I really thank her for always being such a good friend, and always thinking of us, even when we are apart."Mina: "Sana is always so bright and hugs me a lot. I always thank her for making me happy. I love being around her, she’s very positive. Thank you, Sana."Dahyun: "I want to compliment Jihyo. Jihyo, you have dealt with more hardships than any of us can even imagine. I want to thank you for being such a brilliant leader for the last four years! We appreciate you and we all look up to you."Chaeyoung: "I would like to compliment Mina. She is so talented with her hands, and everything she makes always turns out so pretty! She’s very creative.