00:06:34,459 --> 00:06:40,339
look is kind of a orangish brownish flew
right and the blue can vary from day to
00:06:40,339 --> 00:06:44,919
day and from location to location so
just like sometimes we go out it's kind
00:06:44,919 --> 00:06:48,800
of like a pale sian blue sky and other
days we go out and it's like this deep
00:06:48,800 --> 00:06:52,719
rich blue sky that translates to night
as well so sometimes but were
00:06:52,719 --> 00:06:57,179
photographed and get this deep rich blue
and other times it's a pale blue and I
00:06:57,179 --> 00:07:01,199
like to make it through which you know
it's a natural but looks really cool and
00:07:01,199 --> 00:07:04,229
you might prefer a warmer temperature
lot of people like it a little bit
00:07:04,229 --> 00:07:09,619
warmer so play around and choose what
you like I said line to 4,400 it does so
00:07:09,619 --> 00:07:13,029
just after the Sun Goes Down and it's
kind of a cool blue it's still really
00:07:13,029 --> 00:07:17,429
blew out I said to 4,400 by the time we
get into the deeper the night I two
00:07:17,429 --> 00:07:22,349
hours or so after sunset then I'm down
to thirty six hundred or so and I like
00:07:22,349 --> 00:07:26,499
that 3600 Kelvin temperature because
it's really blew to do that you set it
00:07:26,499 --> 00:07:30,959
on your camera set it to the Kelvin
temperature setting and said 3200 on it
00:07:30,959 --> 00:07:36,050
and that'll make this guy really blue if
you don't know how to do that or you
00:07:36,050 --> 00:07:39,749
just want something easier just set it
to text and/or the light bulb icon
00:07:39,749 --> 00:07:43,449
standing on your camera and that will
turn blue and it looks beautiful of
00:07:43,449 --> 00:07:47,749
course you can do this all in raw and
post-processing if you're shooting rod
00:07:47,749 --> 00:07:52,349
then you can change that after the fact
but it's kinda nice to see it blew just
00:07:52,349 --> 00:07:55,899
beforehand and the color of the final
color that you want I try to get as many
00:07:55,899 --> 00:08:00,800
things done in-camera beforehand and the
basic New Moon settings we took a look
00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:05,169
at the wide angle lens 20 seconds or so
00:08:05,169 --> 00:08:11,339
F 1.4 3205 2.8 sixty four hundred and
thirty-six hundred Kelvin temperature
00:08:11,339 --> 00:08:16,839
for the white balance on that then you
want to check your histogram so when the
00:08:16,839 --> 00:08:21,499
first time that I went out photographed
the Milky Way for the first time and I
00:08:21,499 --> 00:08:24,759
took some shots and i was looking at
them on the back of the LCD screen like
00:08:24,759 --> 00:08:28,409
wow this is so me think that was the
same night that I photograph the two
00:08:28,409 --> 00:08:31,689
stars and was totally surprised by how
00:08:31,689 --> 00:08:37,099
and things are absolutely gorgeous what
is this is a stunning with his back in
00:08:37,099 --> 00:08:41,889
2006 and I thought wow this is
incredible and then the next morning I
00:08:41,889 --> 00:08:45,779
look at him almost completely black
frames my eyes adjusted to the light
00:08:45,779 --> 00:08:50,699
side I looked at the back of the
viewfinder and what was really bright to
00:08:50,699 --> 00:08:54,370
my eyes was actually very dim so the
images were useless they were so
00:08:54,370 --> 00:08:59,509
underexposed I couldn't use the model
and then so now what I do is I take the
00:08:59,509 --> 00:09:04,120
LCD screen and I change the brightness
level two manual and I lower it so that
00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:07,910
it's not so bright so I'm not full by
that and then in addition I check the
00:09:07,910 --> 00:09:12,579
histogram the main thing is to have
information all in the last third of the
00:09:12,579 --> 00:09:17,910
histogram frame so take a look at these
histogram examples and you could see how
00:09:17,910 --> 00:09:22,550
where the information is both for Canon
and Nikon and that way you'll be sure to
00:09:22,550 --> 00:09:26,930
get a good exposure do not trust your
eyes they will feel you so you would
00:09:26,930 --> 00:09:30,300
think you have a good exposure when you
see it at night but your eyes are
00:09:30,300 --> 00:09:34,480
subject to being tired and to being
adjusted for the low light so they're
00:09:34,480 --> 00:09:37,910
picking up more sensitivity what looks
like a good exposure might not be so
00:09:37,910 --> 00:09:42,860
good and a few tips to remember the long
exposure noise reduction again I turned
00:09:42,860 --> 00:09:47,540
that off as well as you can apply noise
reduction of post-processing I use
00:09:47,540 --> 00:09:53,509
camera Rob but there's also Nick defined
2.0 and high ISO noise reduction I
00:09:53,509 --> 00:09:57,529
turned that off that although place your
JPG refusing the camera software will
00:09:57,529 --> 00:10:02,899
show up and the high ISO noise reduction
works to reduce the noise and basically
00:10:02,899 --> 00:10:07,300
apply a noise reduction filter however
if you apply that then if you go to
00:10:07,300 --> 00:10:10,889
process your image later the noise is
slightly reduced and noise reduction
00:10:10,889 --> 00:10:15,290
software programs cannot pick up that
noise and so it will do a poor job of
00:10:15,290 --> 00:10:19,319
that so it only slightly takes out the
noise which really doesn't look good so
00:10:19,319 --> 00:10:22,410
I just recommend turning that off
altogether you don't need to worry about
00:10:22,410 --> 00:10:27,000
that if you're shooting wrong in using
Adobe remember always usually because
00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:31,139
that could to keep the lens warm and
keep the two off as well as you look
00:10:31,139 --> 00:10:35,209
cooler with you when you have the place
will end zone on and that's the basics
00:10:35,209 --> 00:10:36,120
for the camera settings
8900:06:34,459--> 00:06:40,339你看是种橘褐色飞权利和蓝色可以从一天到9000:06:40,339--> 00:06:44,919一天,从一个位置到另一个位置就像有时我们出去真是好9100:06:44,919--> 00:06:48,800喜欢苍白仙蓝色天空和其他天我们走出去,就像这深9200:06:48,800--> 00:06:52,719转换为晚上的丰富蓝天所以有时却9300:06:52,719--> 00:06:57,179拍照和得到此丰富深厚的蓝色和其他时候它是淡蓝色和我9400:06:57,179--> 00:07:01,199想让它通过,你知道它是一种自然,但看起来真的很酷,9500:07:01,199--> 00:07:04,229你可能更喜欢暖和的温度很多人喜欢它有点9600:07:04,229--> 00:07:09,619温暖而所以周围玩耍,去选择什么你就像我说的线到 4,400 它这样做9700:07:09,619--> 00:07:13,029只是后太阳落下,它是还真是有点酷蓝9800:07:13,029--> 00:07:17,429吹灭了我说到 4400 的时候我们进入夜更深了我两个9900:07:17,429--> 00:07:22,349个小时左右后日落,那我就下来到三十六百年左右,我喜欢10000:07:22,349--> 00:07:26,499那 3600 开尔文温度因为它真的有吹做你设置它10100:07:26,499--> 00:07:30,959在你的相机将它设置为开尔文温度设定和对它说的 320010200:07:30,959 --> 00:07:36,050and that'll make this guy really blue ifyou don't know how to do that or you10300:07:36,050 --> 00:07:39,749just want something easier just set itto text and/or the light bulb icon10400:07:39,749 --> 00:07:43,449standing on your camera and that willturn blue and it looks beautiful of10500:07:43,449 --> 00:07:47,749course you can do this all in raw andpost-processing if you're shooting rod10600:07:47,749 --> 00:07:52,349then you can change that after the factbut it's kinda nice to see it blew just10700:07:52,349 --> 00:07:55,899beforehand and the color of the finalcolor that you want I try to get as many10800:07:55,899 --> 00:08:00,800things done in-camera beforehand and thebasic New Moon settings we took a look10900:08:00,800 --> 00:08:05,169at the wide angle lens 20 seconds or so11000:08:05,169 --> 00:08:11,339F 1.4 3205 2.8 sixty four hundred andthirty-six hundred Kelvin temperature11100:08:11,339 --> 00:08:16,839for the white balance on that then youwant to check your histogram so when the11200:08:16,839 --> 00:08:21,499first time that I went out photographedthe Milky Way for the first time and I11300:08:21,499 --> 00:08:24,759took some shots and i was looking atthem on the back of the LCD screen like11400:08:24,759 --> 00:08:28,409wow this is so me think that was thesame night that I photograph the two11500:08:28,409--> 00:08:31,689明星和所如何完全震惊了很多11600:08:31,689--> 00:08:37,099什么东西是绝对华丽这是一个令人震惊与他的背11700:08:37,099--> 00:08:41,8892006 心里想,哇,这是令人难以置信,然后第二天早上我11800:08:41,889--> 00:08:45,779看着他几乎完全黑色帧我调整到光的眼睛11900:08:45,779--> 00:08:50,699我看的背面的边取景器和什么是真的亮到12000:08:50,699--> 00:08:54,370我的眼睛是实际上很暗所以图像是无用的他们是如此12100:08:54,370--> 00:08:59,509曝光不足不能使用的模型然后现在怎么是我把12200:08:59,509--> 00:09:04,120我和液晶显示屏更改亮度二级手册了,降低它以便12300:09:04,120--> 00:09:07,910它不是那么鲜艳,所以我并不完全由那,然后另外我检查12400:09:07,910--> 00:09:12,579直方图最主要的是要有所有在最后三分之一的信息12500:09:12,579--> 00:09:17,910直方图帧所以看看这些直方图的例子,您可以看到如何12600:09:17,910--> 00:09:22,550信息在哪里既为佳能尼康和你肯定那种方式12700:09:22,550--> 00:09:26,930得到一个好的曝光不信任你眼睛他们会觉得你这样你就会12800:09:26,930--> 00:09:30,300think you have a good exposure when yousee it at night but your eyes are12900:09:30,300 --> 00:09:34,480subject to being tired and to beingadjusted for the low light so they're13000:09:34,480 --> 00:09:37,910picking up more sensitivity what lookslike a good exposure might not be so13100:09:37,910 --> 00:09:42,860good and a few tips to remember the longexposure noise reduction again I turned13200:09:42,860 --> 00:09:47,540that off as well as you can apply noisereduction of post-processing I use13300:09:47,540 --> 00:09:53,509camera Rob but there's also Nick defined2.0 and high ISO noise reduction I13400:09:53,509 --> 00:09:57,529turned that off that although place yourJPG refusing the camera software will13500:09:57,529 --> 00:10:02,899show up and the high ISO noise reductionworks to reduce the noise and basically13600:10:02,899 --> 00:10:07,300apply a noise reduction filter howeverif you apply that then if you go to13700:10:07,300 --> 00:10:10,889process your image later the noise isslightly reduced and noise reduction13800:10:10,889 --> 00:10:15,290software programs cannot pick up thatnoise and so it will do a poor job of13900:10:15,290 --> 00:10:19,319that so it only slightly takes out thenoise which really doesn't look good so14000:10:19,319 --> 00:10:22,410I just recommend turning that offaltogether you don't need to worry about14100:10:22,410 --> 00:10:27,000如果你拍摄中使用错误Adobe 通常总是记得因为14200:10:27,000--> 00:10:31,139那可以保暖的镜头和远离这两个一样你看14300:10:31,139--> 00:10:35,209冷却器与你时有你的地方上将结束区,即基础知识14400:10:35,209--> 00:10:36,120相机设置