"That's easy," said the grandmother."Their magazines every week will tell you."She turned over to page 67 magazine."Look -- here.Tomorrow she is going to visit a nearby horse show.Wednesday she went to see a movie, go on Friday for a new hospital ribbon."Billy looked at Rox.What do you want.With a smile he asked Rox, "I think you can use 500 yuan to buy two bicycles," she said.The very next day is Monday.Brighton near a horse show, the queen need to go there at 11.Billy and Rox in the 10 left the house."Now you got everything?"Grandma asked."The camera?Sandwich?The umbrella?Coffee?Money?"Billy looked up at the sky."Yes, grandma," he said."Well, have fun at all," said the old man.Rox smiled and said, "thank you, grandma."
Brighton station only 5 minutes away from grandmother's house."Well -- which bus should we take?"Billy asked."10.18," Rox said.They just after eleven o'clock in the horse show.There are many people over there."You can see the queen?"Rox asked."No, I don't see it," Billy said.He looked around.Then he stopped.
"yes, I can," he said, "look, there she is."