The results showed that both the experimental group and the control group experienced improvement in mathematics achievementfrom the beginning of the intervention to the end of it. On the other hand, results also indicated that students who were exposed to CAI withFrizbi Mathematics 4 significantly outperformed students who were exposed to TI on the mathematics achievement posttests in all of thetreatment units. Also, Frizbi Mathematics 4was found to be effective for retention of “multiplication and division of natural numbers” but notas effective for “fractions”. The results of the present study are congruent with the results of other studies concerning computer-assistedinstruction; Akoglu (2003), Ash (2005), Ball (1988), Baki and Güveli (2008), Bas¸ türk (2005), Fankhouser (2003), Kılıç (2007), and Wilcox(1997).