Auction House is a trading place for unbound items and equipment.
Trades can also be made via paid mail.
Some items require Point Value. You can buy Point Value in Shop
or by clicking our Purchase page.
Point Value can also be donated to the League to improve League
Armory level.
If the indicator gets in the way during in battle, click the Translucent
(T) function to make it easier to see.
The system is going to take a little time to match you up with the
perfect rival.Please be patient.
Apply Fly (F) to get yourself out of trouble when battling.
It is available once every 3 turns.
To create your own league, you will need be level 12 or above and
have 100,000 gold.
You can apply to join any league you like by clicking on the League List.
To improve your chances of joining a league, submit your application
to multiple leagues!
League Name Card is what you will need if you want to change your league
name. Name change takes 24 hours to apply.
Hop in the boatyard for aweomse battles against monsters for a chance
for epic loot!
Press and hold your "Space Bar" to adjust shooting power. The longer
you hold it, the further it shoots when you let go.
Press the "↑↓" Keys to adjust your shooting angle.
Press "←→" Keys to move your character left or right.
Do not share your account info with others.
Set up the Advanced Password in your backpack to add more protection
to your account.
Enjoy yourself in Boomz but taking a break once a while is good for
your health.
Take a break from the game every hour to keep good health.
Fortification rate is different for every level. Make sure you preview
the success rate before trying!
15%, 25% Amulets and Divine Amulet are good assistant tools for
fortification of your gear.
An easy way to buy Divine Amulets, 15% and 25% Amulet is to click on
it in the Armory.
Please don't use plugin applications in game.
For accounts that use illegal applications, you will be banned.
Bookmark Boomz for you easy access!
When loading is stuck, right click the screen and choose the setting
option, then increase the local store volume.
If your game freezes, try turning off the Special Effect in settings.
If suffering from stubborn freezing, you can contact GM for help.
Various Quests are prepared in game for you! Quest rewards can be pretty
awesome, but it depends on your level.
Complete your favorite quests to help you level up fast.
Click on items in the Shop to try them on, and save image to buy!
You can also put your selected items in cart to buy. Make sure you select
or adjust the equip duration period at the same time.
Glory will be duducted if you leave a battle abruptly.
Abrupt battle exits include quiting while battling or closing the browser,
or a network/internet crash.
In the Sports Fights mode, the gained experience is in direct proportion
to the number of teammates, the more the number is, the higher the
experience addition is.
GM mail adds special GM logo, please be careful check for this when
receiving system mails to prevent being scammed.
Selecting Overseas battles when playing will help you find the opponent
who matches you the best.
You can enter the Spa to get XP continuously when you are unable to play
game because of work or any other obligation.
Currently, the highest level of Bracelet, Ring and Energy Stone is 5.
Please make note that they can't be smelt to a more advanced level.
When your game system has an error or any other problems, you can send
feedback via the in-game report system.