After you use Depth Range Shades to create an initial selection of a mask for your photo through Adjust Brush or Radial Filter/Inlater Filter, you can adjust the shade area based on the depth range you select.<br><br>In the Brush setting area of the Adjust panel, select Depth as the Range Shade type from the drop-down list. By default, "range shade" is "off".<br>To get a depth range sample within the shade range, do any of the following:<br>Adjust the Range slider to define the selected depth range endpoint.<br>Select the Depth Range Picker from the Range Shade panel. On the photo, click on the sdrag range you want to adjust.<br>Select the Show Depth Shade check box to view the image depth in black-and-white rendering, and use the Smoothness slider to control attenuation at both ends of the selection depth range.<br>After adjusting the area of the shader, you can