To design and optimize parts for additive manufacturing (AM) processes it is necessary to understand their variations in geometric and mechanical properties. In this work, such variations of inkjet 3D printed structures are
systematically investigated by analyzing parameters of the whole process. The aim is to determine and quantify
the parameters that lead to the most accurate geometry and to the best mechanical properties. Using this understanding, it is possible to build accurate part models and optimize, fabricate and test them successfully. Significant
impacts on the mechanical properties are found, in descending order, for the number of intersections between
layers and nozzles orthogonal to the load-direction, the exposure time to ultraviolet light, the position on the
printing table and the expiry date of the raw material. Nozzle blockage significantly affects the geometry and
also the machine's warm-up time is an important factor. Minor effects are found for the storage time and the surface roughness is not affected by any factor. Since AM materials change rapidly and the characterization process
will have to be repeated, it is shown how to fully exploit the Design of Experiments method to create a cost and
time efficient design with a high statistical accuracy.