Luangpu Hong Prompunyo, abbot of WatPetchburi temple, guru monk of Thailand. Ceremony 2 May B.E.2552(2009) - 29 October B.E.2554(2011).
Phra kring Awalo bless/chanted 3 full years by Luangpu Hong, joined over 20+ ceremonies, over 19 sacred materials attached ex Lp.Hong's hair and holy powder from all ceremonies, silver base.
Phra kring amulet blessing prosper fortune, protection from danger misfortune evils/darkness. Phra kring bring successful fortune, as medicine Buddha amulet help bring good health fortune, cure sickness.
Navalohar skin made. Frontside image of Kring holding lotus, pose of "Parng-chanamarn"Victory from all evils pose. Backside, genuine temple stamp code. At silver base "Awalo, yant blessing mantra Na-May-Thi, chant 3 years and name Luangpu Hong Prompunyo".
Nava Lohar is powerful Materials made of 9 auspice metals.
1.Iron , 2.Mercury , 3.Copper , 4.Silver , 5.Gold (Total of 5 called Benja Lohar).
6. JaoNumngern Green/Blue minerals and 7.Galvanized iron (Total of 7 called Satta Lohar).
8.Chin (Lead+Tin) , 9. Pure Copper (Total of 9 called Nava Lohar).