Insufficient instances of feeding were observed in individuals of this family of teleosts, so this variable was not included in further analysis. Since no statistically significant effect of genus was found, data were analysed at only the family level. Diver presence (TP) and flash (T1) treatments had no significant effect on any of the behavioural reactions (Fig. 2, Table in Supplementary Materials). Manipulation (T2) and manipula- tion + flash (T3) significantly increased the occurrences of movement, turning away from the stressor and erect- ing fins (Fig. 2, Table in Supplementary Materials). None of the treatments had a significant effect on luring or yawning (Fig. 2, Table in Supplementary Materials). The four groups of paired control observations per treatment were not significantly different from each other.There were significant differences between the treatments for movement, turning, and erecting fins (Table 2). T2 and T3 both had a greater number of occurrences of all of these, and were different from TP and T1, but not from each other (Table 2). TP and T1 were never different from each other (Table 2).