VOA Interview with Uighur Professor Ilham Tohti in 2013Translation pub的繁體中文翻譯

VOA Interview with Uighur Professor

VOA Interview with Uighur Professor Ilham Tohti in 2013
Translation published: January 15, 2016

Ilham Tohti was an economics professor at Minzu University in Beijing and the foremost Uighur public intellectual in the People’s Republic of China. He was sentenced to life in prison in September 2014 for criticizing the government’s policies in Xinjiang and advocating basic economic, cultural, religious and political rights for the Uighur people. The translation is based on the Chinese transcript of a VOA interview with Ilham Tohti in November 2013, shortly after the car crash of a Uighur family in Tiananmen Square on October 28, 2013, and less than three months before his detention on January 15, 2014. You may also want to watch our 32-minute documentary about Ilham Tohti. – The Editors

伊力哈木采访2 (2)

BEIJING – The Chinese government has included Xinjiang and Tibet in its category of “core interests.” After the eruption of violent incidents in many places in Xinjiang, the Chinese government has enhanced its security presence there. In a recent interview with Voice of America, Ilham Tohti, a scholar of Xinjiang issues at Beijing’s Central Minzu University, spoke about what is really happening in Xinjiang and offered some recommendations to central authorities about how to resolve the Xinjiang issue.

Voice of America (hereafter, “VOA”): After the deadly car crash at Tiananmen on October 28, the only reports available to the Chinese public all have to follow the official reporting from Xinhua. But some overseas media have pointed out that since Tiananmen Square is so densely covered with surveillance cameras, there should be video of the incident from a variety of angles and locations. However, as of today the Chinese official media has not released any video at all. Prof. Ilham Tohti, have you been able to use your Uighur Online website to publish any independent opinions and report on what actually happened?

Ilham Tohti: On the day of the incident, we issued a statement saying that we shouldn’t be in such a hurry to come to a judgment about what happened until there was more evidence. Over the following several days, out of consideration for the safety of others associated with Uighur Online, I began publishing opinions under my name only. For several days, I was constantly giving media interviews. But there aren’t very many of us, and I have to consider other people’s safety.

I worry that, in the absence of any non-government media outlets, many people will only get their information from official sources. I fear that, just as in the past, this will lead to misunderstanding and hatred. I am hoping that, through VOA and other friends in the media, we will be able to make our own voices heard. We want to stop the ethnic hatred. Uighurs and Han are friends, not enemies. The primary responsibility for [this incident] rests with the government.

I daresay I can predict what the government’s next steps will be, as I’ve been right about this in the past. In a few days, the government will release video showing several Uighurs, their faces covered, tearfully apologizing and saying: “I committed wrongdoing!” However, it will be very difficult to confirm the identities of these people and determine whether or not they are actors. Based on the evidence currently being put forward by the government, it’s hard for us Uighurs to believe [that this is a terrorist attack]. If the government actually has evidence of this, it ought to make it public since this would help its case.

“Preferential” policies towards Uighurs

VOA: During this year’s annual meeting of the National People’s Congress, we interviewed some members of the Xinjiang delegation. At that time, the delegates made a point of mentioning all the various kinds of preferential treatment being offered to Uighurs, like extra points on the university entrance exams, no enforcement of the one-child policy, and bilingual education for ethnic children. What do you think of these preferential policies toward ethnic minorities?

Ilham Tohti: I have long expressed support for bilingual education, but I feel this policy has come too late. What we Uighurs oppose is being misled with false promises. The so-called bilingual education currently being carried out in Xinjiang is really an education aimed at assimilation into Han culture. The quality of education of Uighurs is on the decline, and bilingual education is in reality not what it sounds like. Many Uighur children can’t understand Uighur, and they can’t really understand Mandarin Chinese either.

As far as preferential birth-control policies are concerned, it’s true that Uighurs are allowed to have two or three children. But Han Chinese living in Xinjiang are also able to have more than one child. And this is not a policy aimed at Uighurs; it’s aimed at all ethnic minorities in China. On the other hand, I don’t really consider this to be a prefe
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
維吾爾族教授伊力 2013 年美國之音採訪翻譯出版: 2016 年 1 月 15 日伊力是北京中央民族大學和首要的維吾爾公共知識份子在中華人民共和國的中國經濟學教授。他被判處終身監禁在 2014 年 9 月為批評政府的政策在新疆和維吾爾人提倡基本的經濟、 文化、 宗教和政治的權利。翻譯基於中國 2013 年 11 月,在 2013 年 10 月 28 日,在天安門廣場的維吾爾族家庭車毀人亡後不久伊力和少於三個月前他被拘留在 2014 年 1 月 15 日美國之音採訪的全文。你也可能想要觀看關於伊力我們 32 分鐘紀錄片。— — 編輯伊力哈木採訪2 (2)伊力。照片: 美國之音 北京 — — 中國政府已列入新疆和西藏及其類別的"核心利益"。在很多地方在新疆的暴力事件爆發,中國政府已加強了其安全存在。在與美國的聲音,伊力,北京中央民族大學,新疆問題學者最近一次採訪中談到什麼真的發生在新疆和提供一些建議向中央有關如何解決新疆問題。美國 (以下簡稱"美國之音") 的聲音: 致命車禍後在天安門 10 月 28 日,向中國公眾所有可用的唯一報告必須遵循來自新華社的官方報告。但一些海外媒體指出,由於天安門廣場是濃密佈滿監控攝像機,應該有視頻的事件從不同的角度和位置。然而,到今天為止,中國的官方媒體尚未發佈任何視頻在所有。教授伊力哈你已經能夠使用您的維吾爾線上網站來發佈任何獨立的意見和報告實際上發生了什麼事?伊力: 事發當天,我們發表聲明說,我們不應該急於就有關作出判斷發生了什麼,直到沒有更多的證據。在接下來幾天,出於對安全考慮的其他關聯與維吾爾人線上,我開始發表意見下我的名字只。好幾天,我不斷在給媒體的採訪。但是沒有很多的我們,,要考慮其他人的安全。我擔心,在沒有任何非政府媒體的情況下,很多人只會他們的資訊從官方消息來源。我擔心,只是一如以往,這將導致誤解和仇恨。我希望,通過美國之音和其他媒體的朋友,我們將能夠讓我們自己聽到的聲音。我們想要阻止種族仇恨。維吾爾族和漢族都是朋友,不是敵人。[事件] 的主要責任與政府。我敢說我可以預測,政府下一步將是什麼,因為我一直在過去這是正確的。幾天後,政府將公佈的視頻顯示幾個維吾爾人,他們的臉覆蓋,眼淚汪汪地道歉,說:"我犯過錯!"然而,它將很難確認這些人的身份,確定他們是否或不是演員。基於目前正在政府提出的證據,很難對我們維吾爾人相信 [這是一場恐怖襲擊]。如果政府真的有這方面的證據,它應該將其公開,因為這將有助於其案件。對維吾爾人的"優惠"政策美國之音: 在今年的全國人大年度會議上,我們採訪了新疆代表團的一些成員。在那個時候,代表們一提等各種優惠待遇正在向維吾爾人,像在大學入學考試,沒有執行一胎化政策及族裔兒童雙語教育加分。你覺得這些優惠政策向少數族裔人士?pb_kash06 #027A 市場喀什。照片: UHRPIlham Tohti: I have long expressed support for bilingual education, but I feel this policy has come too late. What we Uighurs oppose is being misled with false promises. The so-called bilingual education currently being carried out in Xinjiang is really an education aimed at assimilation into Han culture. The quality of education of Uighurs is on the decline, and bilingual education is in reality not what it sounds like. Many Uighur children can’t understand Uighur, and they can’t really understand Mandarin Chinese either.As far as preferential birth-control policies are concerned, it’s true that Uighurs are allowed to have two or three children. But Han Chinese living in Xinjiang are also able to have more than one child. And this is not a policy aimed at Uighurs; it’s aimed at all ethnic minorities in China. On the other hand, I don’t really consider this to be a prefe
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
VOA的採訪與維吾爾族在2013年教授伊力哈木·土赫提15日,2016年翻譯出版日期:伊力哈木·土赫提(中央民族大學經濟學教授是一個在北京的維吾爾族首屈一指公共知識產權在中國人民共和國。他被判在監獄的生活是在2014年9月criticizing新疆政府的政策和宗教文化,鼓吹的基本經濟權利和公權,在維吾爾語的人。的中文翻譯是:基於VOA訪談轉錄和伊力哈木·土赫提在2013年11月,不久後的汽車碰撞:維吾爾族家庭線上10月28日至30日在天安門廣場,到2013年,三個月前他和小於15日拘留線上,2014年。你也可能想觀看我們的“伊力哈木·土赫提32分鐘的紀錄片。——《編輯(2)伊力哈木採訪2伊力哈木·土赫提。照片:美國之音北京中國政府——新疆和西藏有包括在其“覈心利益的範疇。“暴力事件爆發後,許多地方在新疆,增强其安全中國政府有蛛網膜下腔出血(SAH)的存在。在最近的訪談與美國之音,伊力哈木·土赫提新疆問題,學者在北京中央民族大學的關於什麼是真正發生的,以提供一些建議,對新疆與中央政府《關於如何解决新疆問題。美國之音(hereafter,“飛”):致命的汽車碰撞後的10月28日至30日在天安門上,唯一的報告提供給所有要跟中國的公共報告來自官方的新華社。但有一些海外媒體指出,由於出天安門廣場是一densely覆蓋作業系統與監控攝像機,視頻的事件應該有從各種角度和位置。然而,今天的研究沒有得到官方媒體發佈的中文視頻.伊力哈木·土赫提教授了,你能够用你的維吾爾線上網站來發佈任何獨立的意見和報告什麼真的發生了嗎?伊力哈木·土赫提:on the Day of the事件發表聲明說,我們不應該在我們這樣做,趕緊來判斷什麼是對什麼發生,直到有更多的證據。在以下的幾天,不考慮別人的安全相關聯的維吾爾線上,我開始在我的名字只有出版的意見。好幾天,我是不斷給媒體採訪。但這是不是非常多的美國,我不得不考慮其他人的安全。我的擔心是,沒有任何非政府媒體直銷,很多人只會得到他們的資訊從官方來源。這只是我的恐懼,這些在過去,這會導致誤解和仇恨。我的希望是,通過蒼蠅和其他的媒體朋友,我們將能够讓我們聽到自己的聲音。我們要停止的民族仇恨。維族人和漢族都是朋友,不是敵人。原發性rests [事件]這一責任的政府。我可以做我daresay預測政府的下一步將是正確的,我一直在這,在過去的。在幾天,美國政府將發佈的視頻顯示,一些維族人,他們的臉蓋,說:“我和tearfully apologizing wrongdoing承諾!“但是,它將很難對這些人的身份確認和决定是否他們是演員。基於現時的證據被提出,由政府,這是硬被維族人相信[美國],這是恐怖攻击。如果美國政府真的有證據,它應該這樣做,因為這將使它在公共服務的案例。“優惠”政策對維族人美國之音:在今年的年度會議的全國人民代表大會的一些成員,我們interviewed新疆代表團。在那個時間點的代表,使所有的不同的各種各樣的研究提提供優先處理作為額外對維吾爾人的樣點,在大學入學考試中的一個孩子政策的實施,少數民族雙語教育和兒童。你認為這些優惠政策向民族?鉛_ kash06 # 027在喀什的市場。uhrp照片:伊力哈木·土赫提:我有一個長的表達支持雙語教育,但我覺得這個政策已經吃的太晚。維族人是人,我們oppose misled與虛假的承諾。在所謂的雙語教育目前正在進行中的針對新疆真的一assimilation入漢文化教育。大學教育品質的下降和維吾爾人是在雙語教育中的現實,是不是什麼樣的聲音。許多維吾爾族維吾爾族兒童不能理解,他們不能真正的理解中國或東方。只要是有關出生控制政策的優惠,這是真的,是允許有兩個或兩個維吾爾人的三個孩子。但生活在新疆的漢族也是可以有一個以上的孩子。這不是一個政策,針對維吾爾;它的目標定位於全民族的中國。
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