1) E-assembly
until the PMA are to edit the following points
- Loose contact Interroll DC54 24VDC (please leave all check again, because again occurred in training a disability caused by loose connection)
- 100.2.P14, 100.2.P10, 100.12.P55
- "100.2.P14_Wackelkontakt 24VDC"
- "100.12.P55_Wackelkontakt_24VDC"
- labels unclean glued
- see overall system, please let check again
- "Label_an_einigen_Stellen_schief_geklebt"
- E01-E03 main cabinet
- "E03_Warnleuchte_Kabel" -Kabelschutz, fix cables
- "E03_Profibus-Kabel_nicht fixed" - fix
- "E01_Hintere_Bodenabdeckung_fehlt_Kabelkanalabdeckung missing"- To produce off the final feed
- cable conduit / pipe not connected / fixed
- CBC1.1 Safety Robe switch -S111
- "1.1_Kabelschlauch_nicht_mit_Rohr_verbunden_Safety Robe Switch_S111"
- CBC3.1 Safety Robe switch -S111
- "3.1_Safety robe-Switch_Schlauch_nicht_fest_montiert "
- CBC3.2 Safety Robe switch -S111
-" 3.2_Kabelschlauch_nicht_fixiert "
-CBC3.2 tube for indicator light
-" Warnleuchte_CBC3.2_nicht_fest "
- ARP100.12.P45 Safety Rob switch -S1111
-" 100.12_Kabelrohr_Safety Robe Switch_S1111 "
- grounding is not fixed or defective
- ARP100.16.P7
- ARP100.16.P55
-" ground not fixed or defective "
- Cable pipes attached with cable ties
- CBC {1,2,3} .2 pipes for cables of LS and tube for cables of the distance sensor
- "Kabelrohre_nur_mit_Kabelbinder_befestigt_CBC1.2_2.2"
- label attached to the movable part
- CBC100.14.2 rocker metal angle to the detection the position
- "Label_an_verkehrter_Stelle_angebracht"
- label not recognizable attached
- CBC {1,2,3,4} .2 left of the drive
- "Label_CBC1.2_2.2_3.2_4.2_nicht_zu_erkennen"- Label attached to the movable part - CBC100.14.2 rocker metal angle to the detection of the position - "Label_an_verkehrter_Stelle_angebracht" - Label not recognizable attached - CBC {1,2,3,4} .2 left of the drive - "Label_CBC1.2_2.2_3. 2_4.2_nicht_zu_erkennen "- Label attached to the movable part - CBC100.14.2 rocker metal angle to the detection of the position - "Label_an_verkehrter_Stelle_angebracht" - Label not recognizable attached - CBC {1,2,3,4} .2 left of the drive - "Label_CBC1.2_2.2_3. 2_4.2_nicht_zu_erkennen "