da eine vollständige Erstattung des Kaufpreises anscheinend nicht möglich ist muss ich mich wohl oder übel mit dem 50% Rabatt zufrieden geben. Wie viel erhalte ich genau? Wird das Geld auf mein PayPal Konto überwiesen? Wie lange wird das ungefähr dauern?
Helloas a full refund of the purchase price is apparently not possible I must be willy-nilly content with 50% discount. How much do I get exactly? Is the money into my PayPal transferred account? How long will it take approximately?MfG
Hello, since a complete refund of the purchase price is not possible apparently I have to be satisfied with the 50% discount me willy-nilly. How much do I get exactly? Will the money be transferred to my PayPal account? How long will that take approximately? MfG
as a full refund of the purchase price is not possible, i must have seemed like it or not, with the 50% discount to be satisfied. how much do i get? the money in my paypal account? how long will that take? mfg