Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, zum wiederholten Male muss ich Sie darauf hinweisen, dass meine Bestellung mit der Nr. 303-9233162-6161906 trotz Adress-Bestätigung nicht zugestellt wurde. Ich bitte Sie dies umgehend zu ändern. MfG N.Parisi
Ladies and gentlemen,for the umpteenth time I must point out, that my order with the No. 303-9233162-6161906 despite confirmation of the address was not delivered. I ask you to change this immediately.MfG N.Parisi
Ladies and gentlemen, once again I must point out that my order was not delivered with the no. 303-9233162-6161906 spite address confirmation. I ask you to change it immediately. MfG N.Parisi
Ladies, gentlemen, I must again as you point out my order No. 3039233162 - although not 6161906 delivery address validation. Please immediately amend; Parisi (manufacturing.